
Sigh. Now I'm reminded of the absolutely wasted opportunity that Wayward Pines was. Ugh.

Wow. But this episode totally deserved it. Was laughing my ass off the entire way through. I practically fell off my chair when Constance Wu said "It was the worst 20 minutes of my life". That's the best kind of humour - where you don't see it coming, but on retrospect, you totally should have seen it coming.

That was truly the highlight of the episode for me. God I miss Parks & Rec.

What an absolutely fantastic episode.. It's so good to have Bob's Burgers back. With all the dark/cringe comedies out there, it's nice to have a show that can be hilarious without being mean-spirited at all.

Big Fertility wants to change the way we make new life..

Yeah I hope she makes it big like Schumer.. She really has a lot of untapped potential

Amen. Mindy is now my spirit animal.

Totally agree about the direction of the fight scene. Was literally on the edge of my seat.

True.. But not for AV clubbers..! Or so I thought.. Oh well. I guess I'm biased because I've loved Judy Greer to bits ever since Archer and it's just a huge breath of fresh air to see her in a role like this.

Love Paul Reiser so much. Sigh where is everyone! More people should be watching this show.. Especially during this dry season when everything's on hiatus. Have this sinking feeling that it's not gonna be renewed.. ><

You just spoiled the book!!!!!

That was really some superb acting. As she was delivering her monologue, part of me was getting ready for it to careen off into excessive melodrama, but she played it just right, and it was devastating.

That's a good way of putting it! When I saw the promo for this episode last week, I could not imagine how they were going to pull it off. But they did. And it was fabulous.

Do it! It's absolutely worth the time

OMG so *that's* why Daddy looked so familiar..

The Walking Dead's tons better now!

Nope. :(. Jon Hamm only won one Golden Globe in 2007. And he wasn't even nominated last year. Let's just hope that the final season is awesome and they sweep the awards this year. Fingers crossed..

I just found out why he looks so familiar! He was one of the characters on Rectify!

Yes more people need to start watching Fortitude!

I didn't like this episode and the one before this. There simply wasn't enough forward momentum. More spinning plates were added to the mix without sufficient payoff from the existing ones in the air. I really hope we get some satisfactory answers and a modicum of closure next week.