Bandanas Foster Walrus

Crazy awesome 1960s TV show. It was steampunk before steampunk became a word.

I wasn’t aware of this woman’s existence before this morning, and now I’ve seen a video of her embarrassing herself and I understand all the context around it, and I even know some of the back story.

Dear Hollywood, stop taking the member berries. NOW

How do mouth-breathing and reveling correlate with ozone depletion? Why not just say “I have an irrational hatred of Kentucky fans”?

As much as I love, love, love Back To The Future, that Johnny Be Good sequence has always struck me as...somewhat insulting to Mr.Berry.

How dare people have different tastes then other people!? Blasphemy. If everyone doesn’t like the same exact things i like, then they should be purged from this earth.

Either I have a fundamental misunderstanding of the Shanara Chronicles TV show, or I just learned that none of the io9 staff watched it. It takes place on Earth, admittedly a far future Earth, but it’s still Earth.

I’m not going to lie: the loss of Jane meaning the probable loss of Darcy the worst part of Natalie Portman leaving.

Dumping of two of its heroes’ major love interests in this way indicates that Marvel considers many of its female leads rather disposable, which isn’t great.

And the goalpost shifting! This isn’t a verbal discussion it’s a written one so if you change the goals mid-discussion everyone notices it’s not as if you can hope that the audience didn’t notice.

Person1: Citation needed. Person2: Wall of legitimate citations. Person1: I deleted your citations because they don’t support MY argument. Person2: That’s not how this works.

No. Chimps are animals. Animals operate based on instinct. That is not in question.

And GM has far more rights than people and animals too...

I think it’s nostalgia for the time when games had instruction books, but it came off as a comic about people who make poor decisions.

I’m not a Democrat or a Republican. I’m not even an American so I don’t really give a shit about your trainwreck of a country.

Ah, got it. So this is about pissing off libruls, full stop.

I’ve been called a “libtard” and a slew of other insults for years, way before this election cycle. Sounds like those people need to grow one of those “thick skins” they’re always talking about and stop being a “snowflake” and get out of their “safe spaces”.

Love this gif but seeing it on loop makes it really obvious that the woman in the dress is getting prepped for a faceplant into the table.

Easy there, snowflake. Back to your safe place.

Oh a Trump supporter, don’t you have some African Americans or Muslims to verbally and physically assault?