Bandanas Foster Walrus

Super-heroing isnt a 9-5 job though. That’s not a very apt comparison. If you were going to try to equate what a superhero does with real-life careers, you’d be closer comparing it to a person who works swing shift at two jobs and occasionally goes to Alaska for 6 months, without notice, to fish on a commercial craft

Because that isn’t how marriage works. If he stayed married, he would inevitably neglect the marriage for some adventure or another and that would have to be dealt with, necessitating a story about that. If he kept neglecting the marriage, that would have to be addressed, and if he spent all this time neglecting the

Despite that fact that divorce is extremely common in today’s society, it is still seen as unwholesome. Certainly less than ideal. As someone upthread mentioned, a divorced twenty-something is particularly undesirable.

Mmm...Dark Tower connections. Tell me more...I could listen to you talk like this all day, sugar.

Never read the book AND SO you never had a fear of clowns.

Dudette/Dude, you saw the WRONG movie.

Won’t get much sympathy here. Geek culture turns a willful blind-eye to piracy. It’s often outright encouraged by Giz, certainly it’s never covered as a legitimate issue threatening creators. You can be sure to hear about it if GameStop lowers the rice payout on an egames tournament, but when it comes to straight-up

Priscilla: Queen of the Desert.

You just won the case!

What I learned is not that Ghost in the Shell is an exception, but that we should probably hold off on the outrage until we understand the complete story. It might be the “first acceptable answer” you have seen. Doesn’t mean its the first or only one to exist.

I’m confused. You seem to be conflating all Asian cultures with the imaginary Kun Lun. Colleen is not any chief’s daughter, she’s just an American girl with a mixed heritage.

Isn’t that more about critics and not the site itself? In this instance, RT is actually pretty useful since it shows me that a bunch of critics decided to hate Iron Fist and the audience doesn’t agree.

I am embarassed I didnt know that! Sounds like something my dad would have loved, gotta ask him about it. Thanks!

By source material, are you referring to the song that accompanied the movie? Or was there actually source material for that movie? Cause that just...worries me.

The point is you are wrong. No matter what you say, you are wrong. You said you could NOW form your own opinion, implying you were prohibited from doing so before — and you weren’t! You are a liar!

I played three rounds when it was free and quit because it was so boring. No variation, gimmicky powers. I couldn’t fathom why people were so obsessed until I read that 56% of ADHD cases are never properly diagnosed.

Yes, the books were pastoral, high-fantasy, not yet bog-standard. Probably a lot of what you see today was influenced by Brooks.

I saw this last night for the first time and rewound it to watch again, mouth open. The GIF really reveals the staging and choreography though. Definitely better in one pass.

Pretty sure your TL;DR was longer than the post!

You started by asserting that chimps are not persons and have moved to asserting they should not be persons because you don’t think they should. All well and good, as long as you remember that your opinion is not irrefutable science. It’s just some dude’s opinion based on his very strong emotions about tax credits for