
From the point of view of an aging alpiner with middling climbing skill, I can’t decide whether it’s inspiring or intimidating to watch these guys. I kinda went to the mountains to get away from the sports bro culture, but then the crag bros came to the mountains.

Well, which is better, old man? 

At my grocery store the “Ethnic” section usually means non-European (Asian and Mexican, basically) and a European specialty item would get shelved with the other Euro foods (i.e. the whole rest of the store).

I’m just fascinated by how you get the haggis flavor on the chips.  Like, do you make haggis, and then squeeze some juices into the machine? 

“Hoats is a digital marketing strategist”

“Maret paid to turn what were unlandscaped grasslands on the Jelleff lot into a state-of-the-art outdoor sports complex with artificial turf fields that could accommodate almost any spring or fall pastime.”

She should go to jail for less time than the criminal architects of the Great Recession, who destroyed the lives of millions of Americans.

That was my assumption as well — even at a high-end Italian restaurant, they’re using boxed dried pasta (except for large pasta like ravioli or gnocchi).

Yeah, well that’s all you CAN drink with your Freestyle Souvenir Cup.

Does fancy restaurant Italian mean that the pasta is fresh/homemade, not dried? Because I’ve heard that even fancy Italians like the dried pasta for the al dente aspect (maybe I’m a pathetic victim of Barilla advertising?), and it’s more about the sauce on the pasta for the high-end experience. 

You joke but I guess I am just more impressed with physical feats that are achieved outside of the artifices of sports (never mind about why I’m ranting about this on a sports site). Like climbing an insane alpine route on a mountain, or sailing around the world single-handed, or crossing Antarctica on skis. Those

“self-described ‘dog dad’”

OK now do it on real rock as a lead climber, in the alpine after a 15 mile approach with a 40 pound pack.  :)

Dude obviously took a wrong turn on the way to the Trump rally. 

Why why why are we hearing from Clinton about anything.  She needs to permanently exit the public stage and enjoy her retirement.  She put us in this nightmare with her terrible 2016 campaign and I’m really not interested in hearing from her any more. 

Thank you for your support, even though you have not assuaged my loneliness as a cinnamon-hater. 

Still cannot unsee butthole eyes. 

Ted-Cruz-style Mexican food is frijoles eaten from a paper plate while sitting on a concrete floor in a detention facility, with a side of spicy pepper spray.

Actually the press tore Diana to pieces, so I think it’s less about being black and more about being under the unsparing constant microscope of the paparazzi.

No cinnamon! It’s that time of year when I can’t eat anything apple or pumpkin related without having that dirt spice ruin the dish.