I can picture it now, filled with former frat boys wearing ironic t-shirts and doing tequila shots.
I can picture it now, filled with former frat boys wearing ironic t-shirts and doing tequila shots.
Waiting for science to bring us the cartesian onion so I don’t have to cut in spherical coordinates.
Yes, but disappointing sequels are a key feature of the Alien franchise! (with Aliens being the one notable exception).
The punitive damages will be knocked down for sure on appeal. Plaintiff should get his attorney’s fees and his $90k back, that puts him back in the same position he was in before he bought the car.
Wow, a lot of child-haters on this comment board.
Those Chipotle “salad bowls” are just salads, right?
Girl scout cookies: you get fat eating them, but at least you’re helping girl scouts learn the essential life skill of, um, selling cookies.
The GOP would end the filibuster in an instant if they thought this would help them advance their agenda, so the Dems should do the same if they regain the majority in the Senate.
Both parties are behaving badly here.
This doesn’t make sense. His alleged ethical misconduct happened before he was a Supreme Court Justice, so the ethics board could still consider the ethics complaints and decide whether or not they violated the rules of ethics that Kavanaugh was bound to at the time.
Fourth: Many of the banned gamers are minors (even if they lied about their ages to play an M-rated games), so this could run afoul of heightened privacy rules for minors.
“It’s so disappointing I could just scream leave the GOP,” retiring Congressperson Diane Black told Politico. “We have got to grow the women in our party leave the GOP .”
Why the hell isn’t Trump on this list.
Yes, and apparently the department simultaneously offers curricula in Meat Science and Companion Animals! (As well as Beef Science, Swine Science, and Poultry Science for those who really want to specialize in their meat studies.)
It’s worth remembering that W was such a terrible president that Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize for not being W.
Don’t feed a fed horse, that’s cruel. The horse is already fed, and shouldn’t overeat.
Sleeping around has nothing to do with it, unless the original commenter is meaning to suggest syphilitic dementia.
I think Trump has a hard time with international summits because he can’t deal with treating other sovereign heads of state as co-equals. He thinks he should be treated like the Emperor of Earth or something.