What’s your best bet in the Seattle area?
What’s your best bet in the Seattle area?
Well this is, literally, Disneyfied Jewish food.
I thought the Disney spokesperson explained it well -- kosher food needs to be prepared in an entirely separate kitchen and they aren’t set up for this. Would you rather they just scrap the whole enterprise?
The bigger problem is that the hospital bills you $500 per hot dog (and serves it with a side of MRSA). And guess what, your insurance didn’t cover that!
Let’s all sing it together:
Also, why are people breeding giant turkeys when ostriches exist?
No, Bush was fucking awful, and Trump is fucking awful too. No need to figure out which is more awful.
“She said it like ‘gwin-chell-lee’? It was pretty far off from the correct pronunciation.”
Look, dwarf-tossing is offensive and degrading and stupid but maybe it shouldn’t actually be banned by the government, as long as all the participants are fully consenting adults. While you’re at it, you might as well ban porn, cheerleading, movies that feature little people as elves, etc.
It’s one thing when you’re a right-wing Indian and you’re in India, like PM Modi. But these Indian American right-wingers are batting for the team of white supremacy (“see, look, I’m not racist, I have a brown-skinned friend who agrees with me that we need to stop the brown-skinned caravan horde”). What do you call…
“- Next time try believing women + people of color when they talk about their experiences being a woman or person of color”
“I’m starting to think that President Donald Trump is not only a viciously corrupt abscess on the underbelly of American politics, but that he’s incredibly stupid to boot.”
Hah, you presume it’s tort, but he could be talking about criminal battery, not civil battery! Classic 1L error, Mr. Gyroball.
I like to find the good in everything -- see, this is just another way to not buy Chick-fil-A!
Not sure it’s a “moral” victory when your purchase is deepening the pockets of Chick-fil-A’s homophobic Bible-thumping owners.
“Downside: Lotsa melon”
Even aside from the problem of getting an EMT license, I think most fire departments straight-up won’t hire ex-felons.
Yes, but this is the kind of shit that makes people throw up their hands and decide not to vote at all (I’m not saying that’s a rational choice). Then the Republican wins.
“they’re very good at the perjury trap” -- how very frustrating to be held accountable for your lies
OK fine then you can’t use your internal combustion engine either, because combustion is just exchange of electrons between oxygen and a hydrocarbon. *Pushes glasses back up nose*