
So we need to come up with a name for the growing caucus of right-wing creeps and thieves on the Supreme Court.

Handy tip: use a keyhole saw, not a kitchen knife.

Combining beef and pork is an ancient culinary tradition.  Cf. Italian meatballs. 

Stop eating gold flakes, people.  Even Donald Trump would agree that it’s tacky. 

Prosciutto can be a little stringy at times, leading to structural failure in a dish when you cut or take a bite and the entire piece of prosciutto gets pulled out.

I’m not sure if it’s “simple math,” unless by “simple math” you mean a calculation that doing the right thing is the best way to appeal to your constituency. 

Yes, but did they call it the “Presidential Alert” previously?

I’d like to believe it but I don’t buy it. If Mitch didn’t think he had the votes, he would probably just tell Trump to withdraw the nomination. Unless there’s a political strategy of making endangered Dem senators vote “no” on the record with the theory that this might make it harder for them to get reelected next

Wait, those are tats?  I thought he just drew some shit on his face with a sharpie (or his bros did when he passed out drunk). 

Yep, never mind that it’s already been shown that Trump would be wealthier today if he took all his daddy’s money and just put it in an index fund:

I think it was James Clark Maxwell who first observed that electrons will not flow unless the electric field is authenticated.

P.S. This still assumes, of course, that the Dems regain control of both the House and Senate. And, of course, a bill to increase the size of the Supreme Court bench would need to withstand a Presidential veto, so that ain’t gonna happen until at least 2020.

Look, impeachment of a justice isn’t gonna happen. It would actually be easier to just increase the size of the bench (e.g. to 11 or 13 justices) and then fill the bench with justices who aren’t creeps (like Thomas and Kavaaugh) or thieves (like Gorsuch). That’s as easy as passing a bill.  The Constitution doesn’t

True, if he isn’t confirmed as a Supreme Court Justice he’ll had to settle for a pathetic lifetime appointment to the bench of the United States Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit.

He’s motivated to lie because he really really wants to be a Supreme Court Justice.

It doesn’t make any sense to me why Office 2019 is separate from Office 365. Office 365 is supposed to be subscription service where you get the latest version of Office as soon as it’s released and you get the cloud features. If you don’t want or need the cloud features, so what, you still subscribe to Office 365 to

The fakery is amazingly well done, even compared to modern photoshop fakery. And it’s so delightful to imagine that the photos are real.

He’s choking up because he’s thinking how damn expensive it’s going to be if he ever has to fly her overseas to get an abortion after he overturns Roe v. Wade. You don’t make enough money as a public servant to pay for that kind of stuff AND also pay for baseball season tickets.

Obviously, that’s the feature that would allow him to write an opinion overruling Roe v. Wade.

I feel terrible for her. First, she was assaulted by this preppie fratty motherfucker, and she’s had to live with that trauma for decades. Second, because she’s brave enough to come forward and call him out publicly, she’ll be mostly known for the rest of her life as “that woman who accused Kavanaugh,” like how Anita