
Maybe quit now, Chacha Tom. 

Some free advice for the suits: you maximize corporate profits by catering to your fan base.

Maybe just don’t talk to your mom. 

Let’s also remember that one of Kavanaugh’s closest mentors is the disgraced Judge Kozinski, a dirty old man who would would bring up pornographic photos on his computer while in chambers with his female law clerks.  Kavanaugh was one of his male law clerks. 

They might be getting laid, so not involuntarily celibate, but there’s likely still something involuntary going on.

You’re considering rooting for Trump?

One good use for a pumpkin beers is to mix half-and-half with another beer.  Works particularly well with Guinness (“cinnamon toast”) or with cider (“apple pie”).  Especially since, to my palate, must of the pumpkin beers are over-spiced so this helps to cut the spice. 

We had an extended power outage in my neighborhood a few years ago, with a pile of frozen lobster tails in the freezer. So we let them thaw and had a candlelight dinner of grilled lobster tail.

Boom, no point in running the contest. 

That stock photo is disturbing. 

Lighten up. This is an article on a food blog so let’s have some food commentary. What’s your favorite vegan taco?

The most monstrous thing about this story is the concept of vegan tacos. 

No, but she and Amanda Miranda Panda are besties. 

“Republicans... it’s time to campaign in your home state... for your life!”

Or just get in the regular line and do your snaps and tweets in the security line instead of at the gate. 

This article is humorous because “pussy” is a word with two simultaneous meanings: it can refer to a domestic feline, or it can refer to a human vagina. 

He’s a wealthy, powerful black man who will never be harmed by any policy enacted by the Trump administration. So it’s easy for him to shrug when Trump endangers affordable health care, access to abortion, labor union protections, etc. 

“running bad and good”

Kobach, amazingly, went to Yale Law and was also a Marshall Scholar at Oxford. He must have had a stroke or brain tumor that turned him into a vicious idiot.