You didn’t explain why you think Carpool Karaoke should be cancelled.
This is some crazy fascist mass psychosis like the mass psychosis that enabled the Nazi regime. The Germans who supported the Nazi regime had no problem believing in conspiracy theories about the Jews (“Protocols of the Elders of Zion,” etc.). The Nazi regime thrived in a reality distortion field.
Even if the “smokey eye” joke was a reference to her appearance, it was a complimentary reference. It’s like saying, “Gotta hand it to those Nazis, they look sharp in those uniforms” -- that’s a compliment right there.
What we really need to know is, if they engraved all the documents on stone tablets and then stacked the stone tablets, how high would the stack be? I hope Grassley has one of his aides working this out right now.
Wait, I thought Trump hated government regulations.
If they were actually moderate they would have fucking switched parties by now and flipped the Senate to Democratic control. Then they could be Joe-Manchin -type dicks on the other side of the aisle, but at least the Senate leadership would be out.
This has been Dershowitz’s rant since the beginning of the Mueller investigation.
OK but will it smell like it’s been dipped in cologne? Because I ain’t paying for just some new book smell.
Yes, they are required to provide care. But they often discourage it, and it sounds like here it went further than just discouraging. What I’ve seen happen is that the ambulance crew will say, “Do you have insurance? Are you sure you want to take an ambulance? You’ll get a bill for [$500/$5000/some other ungodly amount…
Yes, but with corn syrup instead of real maple syrup, no thank you.
Indeed, $19.99 each and you actually get zero avocado for that price, because it rots in transit between the grocery store and your home.
Not sure about the “rational” part there.
He’s basically Trump, except that with Trump we don’t have the option not to engage, because we fucking elected him president.
Let’s not forget this about Luc Besson:
I’d say go for it, but unfortunately the digestive system doesn’t work as well at that age so you’ll end with Taco-Bell-style regret.