
Yes, and when Trump tweeted “Be careful what you wish for Max!” that was code for his followers to beat people up who oppose Trump.

We could always impeach and remove Thief Justice Gorsuch if Trump himself gets impeached and removed (because his appointment would be tainted by the election of Trump and should be rescinded).

Yes, but that driving convention makes more sense to me — you can lose traction driving uphill if you’re forced to stop and yield to a downhill driver (especially in snow/ice conditions).

Not sure I agree about the “yield to uphill hikers” rule. Hikers coming downhill are more tired and more likely to slip or twist an ankle if they have to stop their downward momentum. Hikers going uphill can stop their upward momentum by just not taking the next step.

Just wrap yourself in plastic before you get to work.

Or you could, just, you know, bread your cutlets with corn meal, cheese, buttermilk, and spices and avoid all the trash ingredients in Doritos.

Trump, like a true tyrant, is said to have a paranoia about food poisoning.

If Trump gets impeached and removed from office, Thief Justice Gorsuch needs to go too.

Who said it’s not OK to mock the outward appearance of lefties? Mock away, left or right.

This is about fucking over the poor, regardless of race. I’m white and I have paid thousands of dollars in overdraft fees, payday loan fees, etc. when I had no other choice because I was damn broke. 

Let’s get it on...

Eh, the devil never loses a contract dispute. You might get your eternal youth, but the devil will then throw in an eternal Trump presidency because the contract was silent about that.

“lobsters do not die of old age. the only thing time does to a lobster is make it bigger and bigger, if environmental conditions are good”

You’d think so, but the pro-lifers’ concern for the lives of children ends when the children are born.


Seriously. Born of an immigrant and raised in San Francisco.

“Let them eat cake” is less callous, because there’s at least some room to argue that the sentiment is merely grossly ignorant (they don’t have bread, so they should have cake).

Switzerland also didn’t oppose the Nazis, that’s probably appealing to Trumpists.  It’s the ultimate “both sides” country. 

Logan Paul doesn’t need to have any skills or virtues, he’s going to become president some day just like Trump.

Well this is basically what you see when you go to work at Google or Facebook or whatnot. It’s the same concept — design the space to encourage the team members/employees to spend every waking moment there.