“And Noah gathered the dingers, two by two...”
“And Noah gathered the dingers, two by two...”
Once again, a black man discovers the Blues, but it’s white guys who make money off them.
Wait until he meets the white guys.
My brain also hates when I show up to a buddy’s bachelor party but it’s at his fiance’s parents’ house and his little sister and hi fiance and all his fiance’s dumb friends are there, then we play phone games and watch baseball on TV. My brain gets even angrier the next day when it’s wondering why we’re picking fruits…
Not surprising. Normally Padres and Cardinals only agree nothing was seen when one of them actually touches someone.
Also of note, walking four times sets a one-day record for people who live in Ohio.
The UP is the most beautiful place in the world. In the summer and fall.
JFC it's just weed. Let him smoke as much as he wants.
Just because he’s a huge idiot with apparent impulse control issues doesn’t make it in any way ok to simply ban someone from the only career they’re good at because they recreationally use an utterly harmless substance like literally half the players in the league. “Haha you were dumb enough to get caught so screw…
It’s a better idea to list real pros and cons of both candidates then the bs you posted. But then, you aren’t looking for dialog, just pushing opinion.
I can see it now. 20 foot laces hanging from the glove, the player spinning in circles and tagging out base runners with his whirling whips of doom . . . Until this rule ruins it all.
It happened once with me and my sister. Obviously not the same level but still...I think I could do better.
Well the tournament’s kind of boring right now so I’ll feed the troll.
Well, if the shoe appears to fit...