Bunny Meow Meow

Well, the cast has spoiled SNL for the past 15 years, so there is that.

To be fair, has anyone named Crystal ever exceeded our expectations?

Not a fan of GWB, but kudos to him for being there. He's not in office, not running for office, and generally speaking, not in the public eye (i.e. has nothing to gain PR-wise or politically) but he did show up for this. Unlike, oh, I don't know... ANY other notable Republican?

Now I'm not a Bush fan, never have been but I have to admit, the fact he's kept mostly quiet in his post-Presidency instead of going on the massive anti-Obama bandwagon the GOP rides now is a better show of class than one might expect. True, it's because he wants a lower profile after everything but still telling how

"I don't see Patty OR Selma! What gives Michelle?!"

GWB: Selma's the gal that wouldn't get off the bus, right?

1-7 I 100% agree with. Number 8 I don't fully see eye to eye with because at the end of the day, women can have sexual empowerment, there are entire sections of the feminist movement that talk about having control over your sexuality and that it is powerful. The idea that we could have that as a reality in life and in

I had similar worries over things as a child. I have OCD. I could have written this as well!