Bunny Meow Meow

This does sound exhilarating, but the WWE won’t be getting my money until they compensate their wrestlers fairly (and not as independent contractors) and offer healthcare benefits to the people who are their revenue source and are quite literally putting their physical health on the line for profits.

He said one, stupid, inane comment and now he’s a fullon Trump supporter? Wow.

Linda Tripp does not get enough blame as the real villain of the Clinton tale.

Gwen Stefani and Blake Shelton’s relationship does way too much, all the time.

and yet, I still ask who the fuck is Rita Ora every time I see her name.

I’m only here for Karen. The rest can go somewhere.

Those two are the best ever. My daughter loves Bayley and I could not be happier.

hell yeah i do. the women are killing it.

My mother really encouraged me to see my father, and I still didn’t. He wasn’t abusing me, he just had stuff going on in his life that was hard for me to deal with and I wanted to hang out with my friends.

Hmmm.... maybe if her staff perused the comments on the “No Man’s Sky” article, and recruited the commenters with the most misspellings and gendered invectives, then deprived those guys of food but gave them alcohol and PCP, they might approach Trumpian-levels of discourse in a mock debate.

I say that if pursuing this calling helps her feel better, then we leave her be. She’s not likely to convince anyone of anything, nor harm anyone else.

IlkerCatsillas (really hope I spelled that right) posted this in the comments below:

Allen’s latest film Cafe Society—which opens the Cannes Film Festival tonight and stars Kristen Stewart, Jesse Eisenberg, Steve Carell

Guys, I don’t think you understand. George W. Bush’s paintings are FASCINATING. They’re really good. Like, this failure of a president has retreated into this quiet life of creating these painfully amateurish paintings that have this funny, melancholy quality. I would love to buy one. 100% serious.

I just thought I’d leave this here. Also, I work at a girls’ boarding school. Guess what’s going around!


Real question I have about transphobic bathroom residents, and also people who scream about people on welfare buying steaks with food stamps: who the fuck is paying THAT MUCH attention to the other people around them? I can’t remember the last time I made eye contact with a stranger in a bathroom let alone debated

I fucking love Brit Brit. I will forever. But this is some “annoying crazy aunt on fb” kinda shit and I’m not sure if I fucking love her more for it or what.