Bunny Delgado

10 Print “Hodor”
20 Goto 10
30 End.

“Six men wanted to kill one Stark” is good. I’ll just put that out there, that’s a really good line.

Oh, I wasn’t saying that it was, but an article like this should include some of the snubs, otherwise it’s just half the story and easy to ignore. Thank you for doing the work. I am familiar with the Mulleavy sisters from Rodarte, so that peaked my interest.

—PT Barnum

I am a Jew. I would for sure think it was really weird and it would remind me of the Juden star immediately.

I don’t know, I think a computer would at least keep the tense consistent.

Right? Like, I don’t need to read fiction to have overly self-involved characters describe themselves at length, that’s what dating websites are for.

“Money Belt?” Fuck that. There already IS a money belt. THE money belt:

Yup. The only crime here was filming in portrait.

She’s probably dating a Hotep.

Constable Bob!

There’s only 88 posts at the time of posting this and two things pop out immediately

Is there a setting where I can load more than, like, five comments at a time? It’s pretty annoying to be constantly hitting the more comments button.

This is awful. If a user can create a plugin to nest comments why can’t Kinja tech engineers implement such a feature natively for The AV Club?