Bunny Bunnier Bunniest

It actually does hold up as real. You don’t need to be a priest to baptize someone.

She secretly baptizes other people’s kids?!

“the screenshot that has been distributed is not real, but was put out by a “disgruntled former associate that retained Ms. Morgan’s social media passwords”

The U. S. Patent and Trademark Office suspended Bethenny’s TipsyGirl trademark back on April 11.

I wonder.. If players decide to stay home from Brazil due to the Zika risk, could they be found in contempt or fined or forced to still attend the games?

Have you seen this photoshopped wonder?

Yup. Several non-straight (and straight) players have expressed interest in starting families after their soccer career.

You know who loves Tipsy Girl Prosecco? Nigerian football teams, that’s who.

k but where the hell is the toaster oven

Sonja’s account probably was hacked through the Blackberry she drunkenly dropped in the toilet in her crumbling Grey Gardens-esque manse.

1) “...I doubt that flies” when talking about Zika? puntastic!

My thoughts exactly. Besides the very real fear of Zika (and don’t forget the sewage water!), they could easily pull the equivalent of a sick out using Zika as a (good) excuse: “We cannot in good conscience travel to Rio for the Olympics, as the threat of Zika may cause real harm to the health of our bodies and

Could they not simply refuse to go for medical reasons? They’re all easily of a child-bearing age, I’m sure most of them are in relationships of some form or another.

So if they decide not to go to Rio due to fears of Zika, will they be jailed?

Or play at 62% effort level, since they make 62% of what their male counterparts do.

My absolute favorite part of the show:

the slade smiley of NY

Things must have been getting tense. Jules ate.