
The conservative bubble is the only place in the world where Stephen Baldwin is the “good” Baldwin brother.

To be fair, Scott Walker doesn’t have an undergraduate degree.

I forgot about that...Roger Ailes will have a whole new stable of women to sexually harrass.

They’ll be going on Trump TV.

I always look forward to the conservative conniption fit every time a prominent black entertainer endorses a Democrat.

Don’t worry, Scottie. The campaign is almost over, and you can go back to your regular job of huffing paint and screaming at random passers-by on the street. It’s almost over, you insane, brain damaged troll.

Mazel tov cocktail? Bone apple tea!

The worst thing about a Mazel Tov cocktail is having to light all nine fuses before throwing it.

And yet that’s one of the smarter things that has come out of that woman’s mouth this election cycle.

I’ll join you. Make mine a double.

Shit, I’m gonna add Mazel Tov cocktails to Tuesday night’s drink list.

She went on to blame Hillary for Bill’s past infidelities, including his affair with Chanukah Lewinski and rumored misconduct with PauL’Chaim Jones.

You’re saying the sushi I was about to order from Craiglist might not be healthy?

Here in America people would have assumed it was just another local klansman. A cow pasture, a cemetery, and an X-rated movie? Those are like their favorite hangouts.

I saw this earlier today and it gave me my single biggest (non-hysterical) laugh of this cycle.

Jesus christ. That makes this look almost like an understandable mixup.

Which shift was Tiffany working?

Eric had just been helpfully carrying around a clean urine sample all night for his dad in case Hillary decided to take Donald up on the drug test idea.

When Life hands you everything, you take lemonade.

If I had a handful of Trumps and I told you at least three would steal lemonade.