Don’t forget about fucking Leo dicaprio with impunity. That’s aces.
Hey, neither of these people are from New England. It’s not our fault!
“50 men bludgeoning an endangered whale”
That’s ok. The important thing is that we’ve kicked off a Trump presidency by debating who is or isn’t a purebreed white person.
Wooden Clubs? Typical pussy libtard, trying to take away our guns. Fucking commie. Move to Canada and play pussyball you hippy.
That’s not a dildo. That’s a squeaky toy shaped like a penis. I bought one at Spencer’s and gave it to our puppy to freak out my wife.
I’ve seen Sanchez’s work - he’s more into BIG butt play.
He was near the Assy Knoll. This of course is in the stadium parking lot where Bills fans tailgate.
I was going to comment that I thought the little flaps near the balls is weird, but then I realized I was critiquing a dildo with a face on it.
This is just early marketing for Seth Rogen’s next animated feature, “Sausage Party 2: This Time With Sex Toys.”
Dildo or not, Rexy admitted to getting completely fucked over by the Pats yesterday.
So sad. Even more sad is the pro-life folks that assume people are making the decision to have an abortion with a sneer on their face. Like it’s the same as throwing out old fruit. Sure some people do that, but the majority of people struggle with the decision even after it’s been made. Fun Fact: You don’t…
Can we stop calling them “religious freedom” laws? It’s not like anyone’s religious freedom is in any danger of being infringed; what they’re about is giving people the “freedom” to use their “religion” as a bludgeon against people they don’t like. It’s the exact polar opposite of reconfirming someone’s right to…
Perhaps voters and the people who live in Boston have zero confidence that an Olympics would be run properly and in the long term be a net positive for the region.
Not until today, when he apparently finally realized that he’s in grave danger of becoming a one term mayor. He didn’t go willingly though, saying in his speech this morning that the opposition to the olympic bid consisted of “10 people on Twitter.”
A politician listened to the majority of voters instead of special interests.
Dale Hunter was a vicious bastard.
Nah, it's funny when goalies get violent. Chris Simon on Ryan Hollweg and Dale Hunter on Pierre Turgeon are my gold standards for eye-bugging hockey violence. "What exactly are we doing with our lives?" violence.
"There's an awful lot of hoopla about that iPhone antenna." Why yes, there is. And while there's much to criticize…