Awesome plan. Let’s dress Papa John up as a Southern gentleman, hand him a bucket of fried chicken, and take bets on how long before he says something super racist.
Awesome plan. Let’s dress Papa John up as a Southern gentleman, hand him a bucket of fried chicken, and take bets on how long before he says something super racist.
I’m creating a petition for Batista to leave GotG and just make a movie where it’s just him punching a sea of Nazis. Also, it’s not just a movie, it’s a documentary.
Bautista may be acting a little over-exuberant with these statements but I admire the man for sticking to his Gunn.
Meanwhile, us burrito-shape earthers are left forgotten. Again. As if we don’t all know that Obama hid evidence of guacamole deposits in the Earth’s core. But sure, scoff and ignore the folds in the atmosphere and the ever-present smell of cheese.
“I was shot by an ar pattern rifle during class one day. The frangible round tumbled through my thorax and shattered against my spine. Now I have to consume nutrients through a plastic straw. Haha, pwned you libs.”
As the oldest person here, who watched Monty Python regularly and watched every film of their’s on initial release, to you I say your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries.
Dammit ET is NOT a mythical creature, he is my first cousin twice removed. Is it too much to get the facts straight here?
“My bone spurs just couldn’t handle an M16 adequately...when I didn’t have the bone spurs, I was the best and bravest, most distinguished General the Merchant Marine Seals ever had. They loved me, and they would tell me that they loved me, but the spurs in my computer.”
She didn’t respond nearly as well to my Activia story. And I had photos.
This is like Roseanne doing needle drugs during a job interview, getting hired, then getting fired for failing a drug test.
with luck this trend of everything keemstar loves being turned to dust before his eyes will continue
Rebuttal: if they didn’t want people getting sick eating their food, they wouldn’t operate a Burger King franchise
I’m all for more gun control, and I also happen to enjoy going to the shooting range! And I don’t recall anyone texting me “hey poop face stop shootin’ them guns at the range, you’re ugly!”
They’ve been conditioned to think that about anyone who doesn’t agree with them 100%.
I think there’s still a lot we don’t know about the whole situation.
Hmm... well it’s definitely not the value of picking your battles! 😂