Oh Alllll!!!andPeg

Also, can we get real here? Any man who finds that a woman has pissed herself and STILL PUTS HIS DICK IN HER is probably not doing it for the sex, mmmkay? It’s got to be about the power at that point, which, guess what? That’s a pretty rapey dynamic.

If it was someone who wasn’t clearly a misogynist fuckwad saying that, I wouldn’t necessarily be inclined to disagree with them initially. I have had much drunk sex, and I was able to and did consent to those instances. But I was not so drunk that I couldn’t clearly communicate that to my partners, nor was I so drunk

“I’m automatically attracted to beautiful women — I just start kissing them, it’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab ‘em by the pussy.”

They are both insufferable.

She just has no personality. She was in that A Team thing and supposed to be love interest kind of for Bradley Cooper, it was like he was acting with a cardboard cut out.

“I know that’s the only way she’d ever get on camera at the Oscars, but that’s no reason to punish us”

I don’t take joy in it, really. The poor kid(s) asked for none of it. But then, there are millions of people in this same situation, minus bringing it all upon themselves over delusions of blackness and for actually sporting blackface. I’m going to feel sympathy for them well before I feel sympathy for her.

That’s a pretty off base statement. Anyone can be the victim of random violence. I’m curious to see how this plays out in terms of motive. Tragic no matter what.

Also please don’t assume you are a sex god because you do oral. I know what will get me off and guys be like oh you just wait until I get there and I’m like hahaha stop you’ll probably do it wrong. And they do it all wrong and I don’t come and they just can’t accept that their technique needs adjustment.

In the behind-the-scenes special, one of the producers put it best:

It was either Brittany’s...or a producer’s maturity. :D

Kristen’s right behind him, which is gross when you remember she dated James Kennedy (who was 22 when he arrived on the show).

Schwartz and Sandoval should be married and raising kids together. No one loves and supports each of them as much as the other one does. Obviously they would sleep with other people. 

Entering their 30s? I’ve got a sneaky suspicion that a good number of these people were in their 30s when the show started. I’m pretty sure that’s been confirmed in Jax’s case....

My mother never spoke badly about my father, even after he stopped contact with me when I was five. She told me that he wasn’t ready to be a father and that didn’t make him a bad person. If I ever wanted to contact him or his side of the family she was more than willing to help me.

Do you have contact with a lot of children? I’ve been teaching for a long time and have dealt with multitudes of children with divorced parents. It’s not unheard of for children to be manipulated by a parent, however I find it far more common for children to have a legitimate reason when they don’t want to see a

I think when one of the parents has a history of both abuse and substance abuse, you can’t carte blanche give them unfettered visitation.

I love sex but my butt hurts just thinking about that.