Tyson Webb

Never hit send on an email when you're angry.

Jim Norton has had his own show with cohost, Sam Roberts since October.

Chicago was never the same after Peter Cetera went solo.

I'm glad they just didn't call it Maverick. There's already two WAY different films called Crash. Wouldn't want to get any Mel Gibson in my Tom Cruise sequel.

Damn. John Linnell is getting old. :(

Maybe if they yell loud enough on the internet HBO will cancel…oh wait.

Kneeling and putting up your feet are literally the exact opposite things. She was kneeling.

I'm a country song. If you say I'm not, then you are oppressing my musical rights by genre-shaming me!

I didn't think I'd have to click a link in your article to find out…do your OWN journalism, goddamn it!

This just in, Kanye threatens The Grammy's with a good time.

This is the Schrodinger's Cat of Louis CK articles. AV Club declares "Louie" and "Horrace And Pete" dead, until they aren't…

Another entitled millennial blogger gets their self-important widdle feewings hurt, by big mean ol' man Corgan. The whole article reeks of being butthurt from an old man who hasn't been relevant for 20 years…Self awareness is not a bad thing you know.

This all sounds like a nasty HR issue.

I get the Rocky analogy. But Sylvester Stallone literally created the Rocky character, as the author of the original script. You can argue of the ownership Mel Gibson has over the character of Max himself, but his signature performance was only an interpretation of what George Miller put to the page in the first place.

No Canadian dates…goddammit.

I hear you've been having problems with pigs and ponies…

Edmonton is in Alberta. Not Saskatchewan.

Ooh. Snarky, aren't we?

So…the Stones invented country rock because of Gram Parsons, therefore Gram Parsons invented country rock. The music math checks out…