No. That’s the same excuse people use to explain away revenge porn. No one deserves to be blackmailed.
No. That’s the same excuse people use to explain away revenge porn. No one deserves to be blackmailed.
Where do you see anyone gleefully celebrating? Bo Bo experienced bad customer service, not racism. Everything else is just people laughing at him being the biggest weinee.
Keep in mind, these are the same people that mock the concept of triggering and safe spaces. The people that go on television and break down in tears over “No, the white guy right there.” They mock triggering and safe spaces.
Hasn’t cho already explained it though? Why should she explain it again in a personal email if her critiques are so widely known/easily researchable? That’s the part that doesn’t make sense and doesn’t sit well with me.
Yeah, it was still not okay to seek out an Asian person you don’t know to have the white person guilt convo, and that is really how it looks to me. She joked about it afterward, but the feelings of having to hear/witness/be asked to be in that conversation must have been maddening.
Madonna can be a huge asshole AND ground breaking, trail blazing woman with a lot of valid insight into sexism in pop music. People can be more than one thing, and we need to stop requiring women in the public eye be more pure than their male counterparts.
It’s Justin Bieber grabbing the crotch of his wax dummy.
Can I at least despise him for this?
It’s not that he feels entitled, it’s that when men see a rich and famous man with a parade of model girlfriends, they see him as a symbol of what they should be entitled to. Either the women are terrible because they’re only interested in rich and famous men or that rich and famous men are automatically given access…
That’s pretty much the definition of male entitlement, sport.
When are we going to start getting angry at Howard Stern for all his shitbag misogynistic remarks?
She wasn’t the “first feminist,” but could be considered one of the first women to break the mold of “English royalty.” Meaning, she didn’t put up with shit.
That’s like being upset when an actress appears in a movie.
It’s a great, great tragedy that the word genocide has become lost in the kind of semantics and wordplay that the Nazis employed in their actions against the Jews.
112, it’s the same number all over Europe, and will also work in the U.K. although our number is officially 999.
Democratizing?!! Alexander McQueen is an example of someone who democratized high fashion, as well as countless other designers who learned their trade and worked their way up. As did a lot of fashion journalists who sit in the front row at Dior shows. Celebrities at fashion shows is a relatively new practice.
I won’t argue for an instant the fact that she’s faced a traumatic experience, and deserves our compassion for that.
I travel a lot and don’t always know the local emergency line. I will be making that a priority from now on.
1. Fuck you
But why would you want someone in your life who says horrible things they don’t mean? And not just to you, but to the other people you love? I’m all for being supportive but there comes a point where a person’s actions, no matter where those actions stem from, are just unacceptable. Mental illness isn’t an excuse to…