
Hey man, it took brass balls to post that pic. Give me some credit.

What, Jezebel didn’t get clowned enough yesterday for this stupid ass fucking take? Do we need to break it down for you again?

Co-starring A Man From Nantucket.

You gotta LOSE yourself

I hear Pete Davidson is willing to step in if Kanye can’t perform.

It’s fkn weird being a person who just enjoys things. 

I pee what you did there.

The South Will Reek Again

the problem is that at somepoint the price WILL go up but it will be because of inflation or whatever and people will freak out even though every streaming service has been doing the same damn thing.

That’s exactly what somebody who is going to raise the price of Game Pass would say!

They’re about the same accounting for inflation.

That was because it was a functional item that should have just been a part of the game. This is a silly cosmetic that literally no one needs and doesn’t affect the game, but it’s there if they want it. There is a pretty big difference in my mind.

I also hate this comment.

You should have said commentle. That would have been cooler.

I hate this comment.

why is it not named “Wordle Archivedle” is beyond me.


Steve-O has been a random inspiration for me to keep maintaining my drug recovery (albeit a few relapses). I figured if that guy can do it so can I.

News outlets are now reporting the judge rejected the plea deal.

Why don’t y’all just do a feature called “Ask a Trucker”? I’m sure I’m not the only one on here who drives commercial truck for a living; I’m also a driver trainer.