
News outlets are now reporting the judge rejected the plea deal.

I’m more impressed that the scope shows the same animations of them all falling dead.

The original game had that issue when you tried to reconnect too fast after getting disconnected.

So how close is this movie to Strange Days?

The look and feel of the TVA reminded me of the Federal Bureau of Control.

Can we get back the Weekly Highlight Reel if we just ask?

Why does every show or film use covers of Leonard Cohen songs when the originals are so much better?

Only if you have actually served as a juror recently can you get out of a jury summons.

Are there any pics of this controller in a person’s hand? Because, to me, it looks bigger than an Xbox controller. Not Duke size, but bigger than previous PS controllers.

This was a day one purchase for me back then. Some of the Mistwalker peeps were on the team that did the Shadow Hearts games which I was already a big fan of.

Not sure what Pathfinder you are playing but, 1st edition Pathfinder, Paladins and Druids have a lot of tools to make them better healers than Clerics. My group just finished a lengthy campaign with just a Wizard, Barbarian, and a Paladin.

Also, you’re not required to have a Rogue to deal with traps; they just have a

Same could be said for Zeppelin, too.

So how do we get Jenny McCarthy removed from the US show?

Still too small!

Oh come on, the tribe name was funny.

Spoilers: You kinda sorta have Cerberus follow you around for a little bit in the Atlantis DLC.

OMG, clear all your exclamation points! My gaming OCD is on high alert.

There are no highlighted waypoints in the quarantine zones. You do have to figure out how to navigate them on your own.

I was thinking the same thing. Its insane that they gave a nod to Driver but none to Washington.

I was going to say Legacy of Kain Defiance as well. That whole scene where Raziel tells Kain he has always been his sword....