BumpIt McCarthy

Not baseless, nor a lie: secretly taping phone calls was illegal in the state in which the witness lived, and NY is also a state that forbids one-party knowledge. Greenwald used a wonderfully lawyerly defense of himself: he never speaks of the ethics, but says that he was never SANCTIONED for his conduct. His conduct

Pro Choice in that the states can decide to eliminate what is now a Constitutional right to control the interior of one's body because Roe V Wade is "poorly decided."

Oh heck, if you'd wanted to know reasons not to LIKE him, I could have directed you to his hyperactive, bullying, Twitterfeed, or the wonderful irony that he illegally taped witnesses back when he was a no-holds-barred-including-ethics criminal defense lawyer, but I was merely referring to what he's actually DONE with

Considering that he initially made claims that proved to be untrue, and had to practically, by his own admittedly somewhat questionable humblebragging account, be repeatedly slapped in the head with a fish by Snowden, "investigative" seems a bit generous.

I wish Payroll would get on whatever happened to my check. My TrollBuck$ account hasn't been credited for all the work I did after The Useful Idiot Hour, and that was weeks ago!

Since his attorney is a member of the FSB, and somehow broadcast facilities magically appear every time Snowden has some slam against the US, you might think that somehow prevents him from digging deeply into the rot and corruption that festers deep within the very heart of the Kremlin.

Unfortunately, Ed wasn't able to beat Glenn to the payoff. Dear dear! After all, Ed did review all those million and a half documents, had to teach Glenn how to encrypt stuff, practically had to beat Glenn over the head to get him to notice him at all, and Glenn gets the Pulitzer, best seller, and movie money. Ed gets

The WaPo and the Guardian won the Pulitzer — not Greenwald solo. He then went on to partner with an amenable oligarch to fund his fortnightly, The Innertube, or whatever. The oligarch only interferes with editorial policy when he wants to, though, so it's OK.

And inadvertent, but not-really-cared-about, sabotage of ALL Western countries' security apparatus. West, Evil. Russia Good. It's Just That Simple.

No, he had somebody else in mind — Libertarian Hero-for-a-day Gary Johnson. Remember him? Also, any billionaire, just to break up the two-party system. For that and other ill-thought out naive ponydreams: http://blog.reidreport.com/…

Dyslexics are fully capable of memorizing a name and repeating it. I know a couple of people who have varying degrees of dyslexia, and either of them would be (in fact, one was) first in line to say "WTF was THAT, Xenu-boy?"