
Just because she doesn't write any of her music, doesn't mean she doesn't approve of them. She's at a point in her career where she could be whoever the hell she wants to be if she wanted. But guess what? She's already doing that. You don't get to decide what kind of sexuality is right and wrong to display. Everyone

So you're basically saying Rihanna doesn't have a mind of her own and she feels as though she has no choice but to behave the way she does.

Fair enough, but for me Comet up the but that is both sexual assault and could possible kill you is ENOUGH. But that's just me. AHS hits us all in different ways.

The last one was better tbh.

How could you leave out Uncle Fucker?!

Life Lessons from 50 years as a Black woman dealing with White women.

I thought I'd make it in before the
"UGH NO! YOU CANT GIVE YOUR DOG SODA HE'LL DIE" comments, but I guess I'm already too late.

Sorry but I don't support this man and I wish the Black community (and everyone else) would stand up more when Black women and girls are sexually abused.

Ridiculous. Fucking white tears. Get over yourselves, white people.

Maybe not the worst (and I'm assuming I can skip out on a spoiler warning because A. the game is 15 years and at least two rereleases old, and B. if you missed it, Brawl spoiled it way before I did), but come on, you're not fooling anyone:

Look, she's not saying people with cerebral palsy should be more able-bodied, she's just saying they should aspire to able-bodiedness, because having cerebral palsy is super unhealthy.

Poor Joey.

I work at an ER a few minutes from the studio where they film Bethany's show. Not two hours after filming this "after the show" footage, Joey came in complaining of back pain and shortness of breath. All that dancing really took it out of him.

He also slipped on those "feathers" and broke a hip.

But he

Hellmouth. Obviously.

I have a better suggestion.

straight guys are so gay.