
True story:

I dated Axl for a short, torrid month in the late 1980s. It was wild and fun and dangerous and stupid . . . and this is what he wrote to me when we broke up:

Dear Sparkle,

RE Drake's date with Zoe Kravitz:

Comment embedded.

Side note: I hope my girls from Haim keep serving Valley realness though. I've been friends with Este and Alana since I first moved to LA and nothing has made me happier than their rise to super stardom this year. JIZZY MCGUIRE FOR LIFE...

This is sweet, but did they really have to gun down his parents first?

It just goes to show that people who comment on the internet are the lowest lowlifes out there.

I was born for this shit. I can write a review of a movie I haven't even seen and it would be awesome. That particular one literally got me laid. You will be receiving an email.

Considering how bad she is at dealing with the issues of women of color, I would say that Miley Cyrus is already pretty good at feminism.

Excellent question! And no problem, I would answer questions about this all day! First off, as I always tell my students, there is no Olympics of suffering, so we can't truly compare the experience of an enslaved ancient Roman to that of a person in bondage in the Congo, or a slave in Georgia or in the Pueblo

Sorry to completely derail the conversation, but it's not every day that I get to speak to a historian (well, no, I do, but my friend's concentration is different than yours), and I'd like to pick your brain about something.

There is no need to compare the horribleness of slavery to the horribleness of forced pregnancy. Both are horrible and in different ways. To a WOC, these comparisons seem callous, invalidating, and overly-simplistic. To someone who's gone through a forced pregnancy, these comments sound dismissing, as though their

WOC who object to this kind of thing, or have a different point of view about racism that doesn't neatly fit into the approved point of view, are routinely dismissed, belittled, and/or ignored on Jezebel.

Slavery is more than "labor without remuneration." What, would you call an intern for Vogue a slave? What is common to all forms of slavery across the globe was what scholars have called "social death," the denial of all family ties and personal agency. So explain to me again how the two are equivalent?

This will be a productive conversation that ends well.

That's why I love Bubblegum. Pink princess, math genius. Boom.