
My friend, a female chef, is an executive chef at a top Austin restaurant (and only 26 years old) and won Chopped this summer. She hosts and organizes events to feature female chefs when she can and advocates against this kind of stupidity all the time. I admire her so much- screw old boys' clubs.

Because they just pretend to be lesbians because that's the cool thing to do. In reality, they're all just big sluts who seduce college athletes and other defenseless dudes and then cry rape. Plus, most women who get abortions aren't even pregnant. They just go in once or twice a month to get their uterus cleaned out

You mean Mrs. Kim owns Forever 21?

I'm glad you mention CBT which is better to try than going for the drugs. I have a friend who has a bunch of anxiety drugs she takes. She has one that's the emergency option. She's been doing that for years, but just recently started CBT to figure out the source and develop coping mechanisms.

Now do good Candy from good Movies/TV. Start with this.
And yes, I consider Hi-C as candy. its Sugar Water

I've eaten... a few things that I love to gross my kids out with. I'm vegetarian now, but back in my world travelling bachelor days:

I'll be wearing my brand new Gandalf the Fabulous costume!

Are we not getting a Once Upon a Time in Wonderland recap, because I have literally been waiting all week to post this

I'm a little upset that it's not mentioned that Jezebel also messed up in how this was addressed.

And close on the heels of Amanda Bynes, we have Miley Cyrus.

I couldn't stand it. I was sitting at work during a slow work day and saw so many people were reading the Drew Magary article so I clicked on it myself.

Women seem so much more forgiving.

It appears Benedict Cumberbatch has already been cast as a canonical character who survives WWIII because he's holed up in a bank vault reading at the time it occurs. But he is definitely not named "Henry Bemis". Cumberbatch's character is somebody named "Harris Johnson". Please be reassured that this bold and

That was fun.