
Reading into it? Please read the lyrics to that song again. Also, on one of the "official" reviews of the episode they pretty bluntly stated the status of the relationship. They also took it down almost immediately.


Yeah, I have to say, most WOC have this issue. Angry Black Woman, being a big one.

Is this weird timing? I mean, isn't the True Blood writing staff in full swing by this point? The season usually premieres in June, so they have to at least start filming by the end of March.

You can have a commercial for kids without talking to them like idiots, you know.

Ugh, kids commercials.

Considering that this is going to screw up college applications for them, I'd say this is going to have surprising lasting results.

Wow, way to screw up your lives before they've even properly started, ladies.

ME 1 was nothing special. ME2 was amazing. Worth a run-through.

Yay, another "sexy dead/injured girls" shoot. Jeez.

So...worth a buy?

All these girls look so...upset.

So, since I haven't fed any trolls in a while, I take it you never masturbate?

They are all over this post a'trollin'. You'd think they were getting paid for it.

Uh, you probably do know a lot these guys and they don't feel comfortable talking about it with you based on your silly, judgy, capitalization-impaired comment. "Private and sad"? Really? It's just jerking off, the mildest (and safest!) of sexual escapades. In my experience guys don't bitch about jerking off more or

Yeah. I don't know too many guys that would blush at wank talk.

Damn, he is...not ugly.

As a old school Buffy fan, I was all up in Shipper fandom. Now I could not care less. I still watch all the soapy supernatural shows, but I'm waaaay more into the story than who gets with who in the end.

brb, listening to Book of Mormon soundtrack right now...

Everything about this is pissing me off.