
Es un chiste.

Yes, I want all of this on my TV as soon as possible.

You are quickly becoming one of my favorite commenters.

Sounds like Oil Can Harry's. A gay friendly country bar on Ventura Blvd.

As a black girl with splotchy legs, I love that stuff!

Dammit, I was really hoping to get an LA version before this fad died.

Oh for the fuck of shit, get a real cause.

I keep reading articles about her announcement and every one of them lists some of her more famous foods. It makes me uncomfortably ravenous for Gooey Butter Cake and fried cheesecake.


How did Nicole Richie get me to like her through tweets?

She keeps mentioning 'safety'. What does she think will happen if she's camping with TG girls?

He's a cool guy who buys me drinks cause he knows I'm poor and gets me in free to concerts/parties.

Oh, no problem. I know him as a friend of my BFF from college. When I moved down to LA he was the only person I knew, so I gave him a call and we've been hanging ever since. He used to live in a really shitty apartment, so he spent a lot of time at my house, writing music and eating everything (he wrote a good

"Close to Christ"? HAH.

~Sooper secret tip from Diary of "I know a Famous Person"~

Not to get too on your case, but knowing one black lady who hasn't had this happen to her doesn't mean that it never happens. Most of the stupid stuff in the video has happened to me. On multiple occasions. The hair thing is so common that I don't even wear my hair naturally because I can guarantee that every

I love it!

Can we add this comment to the video?

I'm pretty sure they were referring to UC Berkley. A nearby school and often referred to as "Cal" in the area.

If you watch the pilot you'd see that the 'magic as a basis for law is unstable' theme is pretty prevalent. They address it directly and it seems to be a point of tension within the series.