
"I am incredibly reluctant to assign blame in an incident like this, though with mechanical failure ruled out by the company . . . ."

Can you really trust the airline to rule out mechanical error after an incident like this?

I mean, they obviously have a sizable stake in the outcome, so of course they'd say that it wasn't mechanical error, because that might place the blame on the airline itself.

Looking at that, it almost appears that the altimeter was off or something. Like a sea-level adjustment knob was tweaked inadvertently and they realized something on the instruments was off when they got so close to the water and went in by eyeball and misjudged it by about 10-20 feet.

Well that's about as cynical as you can get...

"I think her parents really made a mistake," mused the sociopathic monster whose bizarre childhood experiences spearheaded by a dominant megalomaniac of a father have mutated her into a test case for the negative influence of overcompetitive youth athletics.