
Where is Anonymous when we really need them?

Well, they will poison him with plutonium in his drink at one of his own hotels if he doesn’t kowtow to them at every opportunity. Proper motivation is very important when controlling a narcissist!

Putin grew up in the USSR. He was a KGB officer for more than a decade. Out of the corrupt ashes of the USSR, an even more corrupt oligarchic dictatorship has arisen that is being steered by the most powerful man the USSR has produced.
The USSR and our cold war is absolutely relevant today.

Or wait until they find out that Carrier has said they are using the money from the orange hitler deal to invest in automation.

Yes!!! The perfect interview!!

I was reading old stories of her being a sex slaver fifteen years ago. This incredible disinfo campaign is a decades old monster that Russia used and made worse, not created. I’m not sure she could have defeated this the more I think about it. Having grown up white in a red state, I encountered this conspiracy theory

Yeah, and it’s kind of an important point because he mistakenly lent Jones a veneer of coolness and acceptability by giving him that amazing platform. Propornot, the researchers trying to catalog sites that have been disseminating Russian propaganda report that there are left wing news sites that are dripping with

43% is amazing! Texas almost went blue! Who knows what will happen over his first term. I’d like to make it his last, but we have so much red state grassroots work to do and no time for discussion, which isn’t the Dems best environment. :/

Okay, did not know about Erik Prince. Wow.

Alex Jones has been peddling this ‘Hillary is a child sex slaver’ bullshit story since Cathy O’Brien wrote an entire fake book about being a sex slave of Hillary and some other politicians at least 15 years ago.
I remember reading all this after seeing a Linklater movie and Alex Jones was in it. My friends and I

That would have done nothing in the red states. They weren’t going to vote for her(due to a massive disinfo campaign) no matter what.
What Dems really need to do is figure out why they thought this scenario so unlikely, and fix THAT.
If we can’t get rid of the electoral college (nearly impossible right now), then we

I love him! But I’m scared he’s one of the first intellectuals they will be looking to purge. :(

Yeah. She’s terrible. That’s my point: she’s the one going through life being cruel and unethical toward others. I know what it feels like to be cheated on and then creepily stalked by the other person like that, but I also know that I’m the one who came out ahead because it’s helped me be more mindful about ethical

Damn, that is terrible. For her almost more than the wife, ya know?

The link I posted is not pointless. Please read it if you haven’t already. It’s excellent.

I refused to watch him for a long time because I missed Jon so much, but I finally gave him a chance and I love him. He’s not as bombastic as Jon but he’s just as smart, maybe smarter, if you give him a chance. Seriously. Besides, he’s anti-Rump, so let’s not tear him down, okay? Please? He’s refusing to accept this

And you completely missed my point. This is not normal. This will not be anywhere near the completely normal level of “brutal” that you think the Bork nom was. The entirety of this Rump administration renders everything that happens and everything we do meaningless unless we recognize that neo nazis have taken over

“Are you new to politics?” Why would you respond to me in such a combative and rude manner? Haven’t we had enough of that shit? Isn’t that a big part of why we’re here? That questions begs the rude response back: Are you new to politics???
But I won’t do that because I don’t want to respond in kind, so I will just say

Maybe. But you would have to know what a fascist is. Nazi is more recognizable. Also, I would argue that “neo nazi” is what they were calling themselves before they got the idea to cutesily re-brand. The neo nazis in my area, NC, are all over the political map. Racism is what unites them, and even illiterate people

How is that fair? The “alt right” is a new and entirely obfuscatory term for neo nazis. No, campus liberals are nowhere near that.