
Well, yes. Exactly why we need the shitty photo to help deprogram all the “Ivanka can’t be evil; she’s so pretty!” idiots. I’ve been looking, but apart from her incredible childhood duck face that she had extensive surgery on, I can’t find a shitty chin pic anywhere, but I guess I’m going to soldier on without help.

Can you find a good one to post of Ivanka for when people post on Fb about how glad they are that lovely Ivanka and her darling kids are going to “temper” and “balance out” orange hitler?

I’ve been hating her for a few years now due to her infuriating appearances on Bill Maher. Her hateful blither is even worse than Ann Coulter somehow.

We’re making an exception for orange hitler. It’s an emergency. And we’ll stop when when he goes to jail for sex assault.

Pre-tuck photo, yo.

Bill, stop reading infowars. That Russian money loving asshole Jones is killing you. Seriously.

Well, my father was in the kkk and he went to the doctor himself but rarely took me no matter how sick I was. Take that and use it for whatever intellectual games you got going.

They didn’t run from every lone customer hunting cheese. And it wasn’t a momentary panic attack. They hid for nearly an hour. I have worked such shifts and have been through some bad times, but no robberies. I have worked with many people who have been robbed. We always tell the 911 operator why we feel so scared if

I would agree except I think we need to try very hard to believe that racism does not have to be a permanent affliction. If a racist person can’t be changed, then we have a big problem. Like, much bigger than trump even.

Ha ha, no! A little-known fact about people who join the kkk: they are incredibly lazy and think they’re above education. Not exactly a winning combo for industry of any kind.

The common thread is racism and an employee who didn’t want to encounter a lone black man at night. They probably don’t think black people buy cheese.

Yeah, I didn’t agree with Stein or the Green party on issues, but I don’t get the hate either. Every newspaper article I’ve read on this recount topic has mentioned a group of well-meaning professors and election experts that have found circumstantial evidence of hacking. They went to all the campaigns to seek a

Or the majority of the voting public tossed a few dollars her way because they’re terrified of a Russian-backed racist mysogynist being installed as our president. It actually has nothing to do with Hillary, Jill, Bernie, Barack, or any other non-Putin approved politician. It has to do with the will of the majority.

Yes, lots of people support the effort, even some frightened Republicans. I was referring to the group of people from whom this effort originated. Your post seemed to point to disgruntled Democrats, but that just isn’t the case.

Do it! Unless their sibling also voted for orange hitler. Then they might not care too much.

Family is hard. And you are definitely in a tough spot. I guess if this vote con is taking good care of them, then that has to factor into your decision. Do you have any other family members to talk to about this?

What will happen if the vote counts change in her favor in all three states and solid evidence of Russian hacking is found?

I didn’t mean to imply you were overdramatizing it. Just that I haven’t heard of serious repercussions from voter fraud, but that might be because I’m in NC which is the home of the Crosscheck system.

The idea comes from some professors and election officials who have found circumstantial evidence of hacking, not democrats. Dems aren’t asking for the recount. 

Have you looked up what could happen to the vote con if they were turned in? Voter fraud is a big deal, but if you look at the Crosscheck system, which supposedly discovers vote fraud across multiple states, you will see that they just toss the “fraudulent” vote. No one gets arrested. I seriously doubt anything would