Cinemark is shit and a chain, but I know this much in fees would cause a smaller chain to close. They might be small enough. They are competition for my tiny theater so no tears from me if they do fold.
Cinemark is shit and a chain, but I know this much in fees would cause a smaller chain to close. They might be small enough. They are competition for my tiny theater so no tears from me if they do fold.
Yeah, I’m as liberal as they come, but I can’t believe some of the weak and whiny idiots on here lately. If they had been around during Roe v. Wade, abortion would still be illegal.
Fuck that whiny shit. Abortion is not some deep dark shit no matter how much Megan McCain wants you to feel that way. I watch the show too and I feel the polar opposite that you do. Why is your viewership of TDS relevant? And if it is, does that make my viewership irrelevant? What, are you hoping Stewart is gonna come…
I think the outrage here is giving this issue more dire gravitas than it deserves. Women have a right to abortions and we have a right to make jokes about it and laugh at jokes about it without being judged and shunned. This reaction was started by a Republican and it plays into their bullshit con about how abortion…
I loved Stewart, but he chose Noah and I think he made a good choice. Everybody has this weird boner for the excitement of condemning and judging. Get over it already.
The young, black, South African comic is not that bad, no matter what your ‘I’m a special connoisseur of comedy’ boner is telling you.
Utter bullshit. My sister was around all sorts of methods like knives for years. It wasn’t until an uncle, unaware of her mental illness, gave her a gun that she successfully committed suicide. That idea of a moment of shocking obliteration draws them. That it completely obliterates them means it will work, unlike…
The character witnesses calling her a devil etc. will not matter in court. And they won’t matter during the course of a police investigation, so don’t worry about that. They don’t listen to jibber jabber. Wasser and the judge will be looking at her arrest record etc.
I know that junk is hard to read, but it really…
Yeah, I’ve seen some of that. Serious MRA overtones coming from some people, however, I couldn’t say who is really his friend, who is a rando commenter, etc. For people that were friends with him, they must have seen some things but I bet they are staying quiet. I really doubt Depp’s one-time tattoo artist is his…
Why do you think I have no empathy?? And what a way to denigrate the real work of protecting DV victims: changing public policy. You want a show: go somewhere else.
No, it would only help her. It sounds like you are conflating public court of opinion and the actual court of law that matters in society. It would help her with both, but only one truly matters. Again, this case is an example of the uphill struggle policy makers and the police have when it comes to helping DV…
Filing the police report would mean entering her evidence into a criminal investigation. Just because they missed the bruising the initial night does not mean she couldn’t go in days later and file. The initial on the scene cops aren’t the only ones making decisions about what investigations to open. The LAPD made it…
That might feel good in the moment for her, but in the long run, its a shallow victory as well as a very poor example to set for other DV victims. And she has said she is and wants to be an example to other DV victims so I don’t have any hopes for her that are unfair. Advocates for victims have spent years crafting…
The refusal to file a police report is what is holding some people back I think. It isn’t a great combination with selling photos to People magazine. Her lawyer also agreed to the continuance so we don’t really know who feels what about anything.
Well, she hasn’t filed a police report and the police didn’t see any evidence that would have legally required them to begin a criminal investigation so there are no criminal proceedings as far as I’m aware. Has something changed? Why isn’t that the story? Bobby Finger sure is weird sometimes.
I hope it does go to court. Though if it doesn’t, I think both their reputations will be ruined. Everyone already sees him as a wife beater. Even if a real court finds that to be true, I think he could show the court of public opinion the details to make a pr case that he’s a sad addict or whatever and go to rehab.
I guess I’m just too confused because I’m not sure how any of that means Dipp was attempting to buy her off. I don’t doubt you, I just don’t get it.
One thing though, those two never lived together so there was no marital home. He let her live in an apartment of a building he owns in some capacity. That’s where the…
Ahh, I see. Thank you!
Though I’m not sure I agree with your assessment about buying her off, since he is refusing to pay her anything. But maybe something has changed? I can’t keep up.
How long ago was this? I ask because you should really file some charges there. Seriously, I think any city would investigate their police department over that.
I have had the opposite experience with my local cops. Once I cut myself cooking and my boyfriend called 911. They really grilled me over whether or not I cut…
Heard filed divorce papers but Depp is applying for a dissolution. Aren’t those two different? I really have no idea. They didn’t live together and maybe they had the fight when he went to her apartment to tell her he was having the marriage annulled or whatever? Maybe her lawyer urged her to try for a divorce right…
Yeah, its got to be hard for the kids to not hate all of them right now.