
humans really are Gods greatest creation

They just need one rich asshole and all the stars to say f this do a little marketing and they would all get a 50 percent pay increase and ufc would be worthless overnight

Lmao enticing knowing you can shoot and be on a plane across the country in less than an hour

Pacman although he shit some one i think, Ray Lewis had that fight that ended in murder start at a club I believe lmao. There has to be a better way to show off and pick up some floozy puss man

Although theres really no justification for shooting an unarmed man, you just know talib was probably running his mouth something fierce. Also agree on staying away from trash clubs, hell I'm a middle class 30 year old and I can't stand the garbage that patronizes some of these shit holes.

I bet your the type of person who posts their support when some fat over weight pasty white guy with a badge shoots black children with a pellet gun before he puts one leg out of his cruiser , because he’s such a chicken shit coward, and shares dank Donald Trump memes. You’re doing the Lords work, keep it up. The

Lmao Countrys gone to hell

Putting out an ad thanking a guy who just got let go for sweeping rape and and sexual assault under the rug is pretty tone deaf and pretty insulting to the victims. Does it negate all the good things he did? Like bringing us the lurid details of bill Clinton’s sex life, no. But it is a huge stain on him and his

We as a country failed those kids that got sent to die for literally nothing. We end up pulling out and nothing in the world changed, absolutely meaningless. Theres a lesson there but obviously not for boot licker like yourself. Ali was on the right side of history, society and humanity and he sacrificed everything to

Well maybe if more people had a spine they would have objected louder to go kill a bunch of people in grass huts thousands of miles a way. The war was started illegally and under false pretenses. But fuck him for standing up for what's right. No one looks down upon the people who served but your a fucking that if you

Yeah Vietnam was a war we can hang our hearts on right?

Everyone knows and no one gives a fuck he was a boxer

Cause there a bunch of femenists trash on this website lol

Really you can’t see some one who was sexually abused offering sex to a boy who liked her hmm your right all men are rapist assholes waghhh die men die that's all she probably knew for a couple years and offered it up thinking the dudes would like her and think she cool. Not that odd considering it was the only firm

Oh fuck off what if her fucked up ass offered it, I like you will you date me I'll suck your dick. It's not her fault she's fucked up but come on