
He does at one point shout “FREEZE! You bloody bastards.” I think he got it.

The way Terence Stamp keeps literally rolling his mascara’d eyes and all but saying “Girlfriend, hell-O!” does make that movie. Also the lengthy montage of ‘it’s very windy’ jokes that Dick Lester deployed to completely ruin the scene where Superman ‘dies’.

You seem very mature

Why is he 12?

“Presuming you’re the kind of person prone to long examinations of Justin Bieber’s exposed torso”. A person like you then? You must just feel so depressed writing this shit.

And when he fucked her.

And what would you like to give up, Sam?

Needs more pearl clutching.

A certain number of people with a ‘PC’ perspective also fail to notice this.

Aaaaaaaah, look at all the lovely sheeple.

He was in Current 93 for about 5 years

It ain’t the kind of place to raise your kids.

I can’t really explain it but there’s just something so hot about these retarded boys.

Good SEO.

“hunters like Philip Glass (not the minimalist composer)”. Thanks for clearing that up.

Several people. Let’s not get carried away.

The Station Agent is *rubbish* and he’s mainly awful in it because how can one not be when playing a sad dwarf saddled with a magical normal sized chum? He’s fucking great in Game of Thrones and frequently the only reason to watch it.

The D is for ‘damages’ you can come and get some of this.

Glass houses, mate.

I really enjoyed Doomsday on first viewing but I have to say it seemed like utter shit on second viewing. I’m now debating whether to try a 3rd as I still have the Blu-ray somewhere. That director seems to specialise in films that teeter on the brink of satisfying and shite, actually.