
"Joe Hedgetrimmer" is one of the feeblest insults I've ever heard.

I think Lady Godiva's Operation is up next on that album , which makes Gift sound like Michael Bolton by comparison, but I first heard it on a "greatest hits" surrounded by much more palatable tunes like I'm Set Free and Jesus, which also worked great.

Your fort is basic compared to mine.

Woah boy. No idea who this fella is but that song is hilarious. Whatever it is he does as a day job, I hope he pursues a music career instead.

Ah, such a perfect ending line. The whole thing's perfect really. Great short story, evocative music, wonderfully primitive use of stereo.

"Wealth of hair and teeth" just doesn't sound right. She probably has done many things and is highly intelligent. Which does make her career move a tad perplexing.

Public McEnany number one! 5-0 said FREEZE! And I got numb! Could it be the wax that the Terminator X spun?!

I'm going to travel to the premiere on the cheap, by simply mailing myself to the cinema.

Good point

Better acted than view to a kill. Definitively more nimble.

I've taken shits that were better Bond adaptations than the later Roger Moore ones, though.

I would pay extra NOT to have the Casino Royale one but Never Say Never has a tiny number of charms, ie: Connery's wig, the fairly disgusting but, okay, also funny because it's anachronistic 'lesbian' stuff and the fact the script was by two stalwarts of UK comedy TV who had no business writing a Bond script but

A Bessie Smith is Goodman to find, as Mae West once said

THAT WAS MY POINT! But I do like Speed Racer, even if it is only because that Big Black song made me predisposed to like it, just to see if Racer X did indeed "keep some speed, in a little glass jar". (He didn't).

It's very simple:
1. Echoes
2. Atom Heart Mother
3. Dogs
4. Pigs
5. Sheep
6. One of these Days
7. War Pigs
8. Hey Jude
9. Money

Thanks a lot asswipe, I just sprained my finger trying to scroll to the end.

A hard is Goodman to find, as Mae West once said.

No I definitely don't mean the first thing you said there, but each to their own. His performance was great, but his 'character' did look and act like John Goodman, after a stroke. Actually not a stroke. Serious and debilitating heart attack, maybe.

Style over substance.

What's wrong with speed racer?! It's the Wachowskis' 2nd best film.