
I dunno though; last thing I saw him in was that interminable Coen bros folk music thing. He didn't look quite at his best there.

I actually LOLled at "Cashin' In". He's like a character from a Christopher Guest film. Hey wha' happen?! I got fired for sending dick pics.

Wow, John Goodman was hot back then. Maybe he's playing an absolutely massive ghost in the revival.

God yeah, I got some of the Miles Davis ones and rapidly concluded life is WAAAY too short. They do look very nice on my shelf, though, and Bitches' Brew, ironically the least bloated of them, does have seem decent unreleased tracks on.

It's almost as if there's something untrustworthy about this guy.

Seems serious.

Could someone explain what a 'securities fraud' is please?

Beelzebub has a devil set aside for him.

That's the genius of Pete.

Kapow! This bat outfit, bat boat and bat copter all appear to be for personal use… Blam! And yet you have claimed them as a business expense… Bosh! Without even submitting mileage!

Inconclusive, words-wise although now I think about it, your version does make at least an equal amount of sense. More interestingly, though, that is *exactly* what my flat looks like.

"me and you's are", surely?

Er… no.

Actuary! That drew a genuine lol. "Against my statistical risk calculations your toys are useless Batman! Raise that batorang and your premiums will be… punishing."

"Mish moneypenn-eh, you'll have to exschuse me but, ehhhhh, mah tadgersh gorn green"

Don't rain on my parade

They all die immediately afterwards too, so you have to worry. Admittedly usually from being shot rather than syphilis, but still.

salty then

I think it's fair to say MES is not in a good way, health-wise. I saw the Fall a few months back and they were pretty dire by their standards but, on the other hand, Mark was on stage and very, uh, committed throughout and a lot of the audience were younger and WAY more into it than I've seen at a Fall gig for years.

The fact that this very physically attractive man is also seemingly stupid pleases me greatly. And now, I shall roll my eyes and cackle.