
I doubt that would be his take, so much as, "this is what men do". Gibson is what he is as a person but he's a great director of pitiless violence.

I think those two I mentioned do pull that off to an extent

Well, I don't mind that so much. They were more an exercise in having ludicrous high jinks in places nobody could afford to visit, and anyway there were no mobile phones and all the non-mobile ones were tapped, or something.

I did spend a week watching all the Bond films a few years back in a 'serious' way, or at least semi-serious. Blu-ray box set.

I don't really see what's meant to be problematic about Apocalypto but much as I love that film, it's unique but nearer to horror than action. Of the great "relentless pursuit" films it feels nearer to Texas Chainsaw than Mad Max

Elite Squad is fucking miles better than 300.

Write better tunes then

Black police man showing out for the orc cop.

Yeah wow, it's almost like he's trying to say something about humanity in general rather than Germans specifically, in that way that fictional films, as opposed to documentaries, are meant to do. Successfully or not I have no idea, admittedly.

"Oh hi, this is my husband who will tersely explain what an idiot you are, while I smile knowingly and scribble notes for a future one-woman show I have in mind. Have you tried the chicken? You must try the chicken."

How on earth was she married to Lou Reed? They must have been the most insufferable couple to meet on holiday.

We've all been there.


Unfortunately, I don't think it will be a remotely hard sell.

There's something so shitty about the resurgence of "True Crime". At least people in the past quite rightly felt guilty about being into it.

The Walking Dead season 8 trailer is full of hope and shit talk (anagram).

Here I go again on my own
Mapping alien corridors with a drone
Like a disposable scientist guy character I was born to walk alone
And be killed horribly via alien face-fucking
Here I gooooooooooooooooooo aga-ey-yain YEAH!

Hey girl, tonight I'm a little bored.
Once I've finished sliding it in,
You'll need a visit to the medical poooorrrrrd! Uh YEAH!

Ha! That is a brilliant song, and so ridiculously obscure unless you're of a very specific age, or a Slade completist. Either way. good to meet someone else who appreciates both Laurie Anderson and late-period Slade.

It would have been way raunchier.