
I would literally rather put a cattle prod in my eyes than listen to Big Country, but I do like the horrid droning on Sweaters. I always thought it was actual bagpipes, though - good knowledge there.

The bagpipes on It's A Long Way to the top If You Wanna Rock and Roll by AC/DC are fairly outrageous

He did say book burning is "rarely" good, not "never"…

Well fine it's all very well booing the fucker at a baseball match but they keep bloody voting for him

Just wait till he moves on to the old tarmac-ing

Resisting the urge to click to see how much other 'marching bands' content is on this site

That's an epic review for what sounds like a totally forgettable film.

I'm not getting into this. The woman is clearly afflicted, if you consider her supposed riches and fame to be compensation for that, fine.

She is mentally ill. Why would you want to descend to that level?

No moral high ground left, I guess.

amazing as it may seem, that is also the future most western conservatives would like to achieve.

I suppose it will now be known as Nurse Who! It's PC gone mad!

It's very hard not to enjoy that film. Oskar Schindler doing arthritically stiff Dad Kung-Fu on endless villainous types of inderminate nationality.

Uranus Lifting

I preferred Jupiter Levitating

Can't argue with that kind of refutation

Ooh no. Crash Bandicoot was fucking rubbish. I was there. If you're nostalgic for it, you are bad and wrong.


I love how some people think the technology in Star Trek is the impressive bit, when it's actually the 'all races living together' aspect. 'Teleportation' was a handy and impossible plot device, not a means to make internet connections more secure for terrorists and wankers.

Even the title is just horrible. I still think the Manic Street Preachers' 4st 7lbs is the only effective bit of art on the topic of eating disorders.