
Thanks as ever for your thoughts though.

Planet of the Horses just sounds like a shit band you'd see at a festival. Actually I once saw a band called 'Miasma of Horses' at a festival and I thought they were alright although they were pretty shit if they were anticipating selling any records, ever.

he's actually a decent actor when he's not got ping pong balls glued to him

I've got a number of astronauts who'd disagree with that, were they not dead.

I think you've got to say, the US Space Shuttle was, if not failed, at least not a resounding success. It did get to be in Moonraker at least.

There used to be a hardcore label over here called "vinyl solution". They weren't even nazis or anything so to this day I don't know if that was an ill-advised pun, or they didn't even know.

That's nothing to do with recording engineers, surely?

Only the 3rd worst type of '-Phile'

As someone who's by no means a fan, I really have to take my hat off to this season of Dr Who, the closing story and in particular the final episode.

This is like the "hello!" magazine of hip-hop

Thanks for your input.

That version played terribly with test audiences

The parkour movie? That's great. I know I should just look it up but didn't that have David Belle in it?

Personally I don't accept the central criticism at all. I don't even consider the camera work particularly shaky, and the action sequences/fights are perfectly coherent.

It's very simple: "I before E except after C except in certain cases where that rule doesn't apply"

No, she just has no idea what respect means, same as most people who bandy that word about

Oh okay, American exceptionalism. In the rest of the English speaking world they had several hits and were hugely influential

Well yeah, but everything doesn't suck most of the time. So the rest crumbles a bit.

"I’m sure some folks would argue that Soft Cell is more than a one-hit wonder, and that’s probably true of most artists in this very article you’re reading."

I meant more that they're backwards countries full of people who worship only money and power. A sizeable chunk of the world is like that.