Wait! Wait! WAIT!
Wait! Wait! WAIT!
So, true story. I once lived in a rural, high poverty, low education area. Lots o people on disability, food stamps, etc. Same old story; the factories had closed after the boom times of the 50s and 60s. Then, one day, a new factory came to town. Looking for 800-plus people working three shifts. Possible future…
Wait, is that a real quote? I can’t tell anymore.
Yeah but here’s the thing about putting this on ‘the media.’ They went all out in the final few months trying to show how ****ing crazy Trump was. Now they’re going all out to try and highlight his conflicts of interest, to show how ****ing crazy some of his cabinet picks are ... and you know what? Your average Trump…
The other day the clerk at the store(probably making minimum wage) asked me how I was doing. I replied: “eh, you know, just trying to survive.”
She said: “Well, buck up because the New Year’s almost here.”
In my mind, I was like “Not Christmas? That’s weird but okay, sure. I like to drink too.”
Then the other shoe…
Hey! I know a (modern-era) astronaut and used to go drinking with him. He was/is awesome. So don’t drop a blanket ‘fuck astronauts’ ... maybe ‘fuck old astronauts’ is more appropriate.
Got my hot little hands on a dial-up email service when I was like 10. Long-distanced dialed in, signed up and was supremely sad that I wasn’t getting emails from everyone (or literally anyone). Spent 3 or 4 days dialing up and signing in, waiting for email to magically arrive (I didn’t know anyone who had email)…
... and the thing about it is, I think the NHL has the opportunity to convert some football watchers b/c the NFL has turned into the “no fun, wait for a commercial, wait, wait, wait league.” But the actions of the NHL in the past few seasons seem that the NHL is trying to emulate the NFL for .... reasons?
Took me a moment. +1
Lies! I once read a news report about a farmer drowning in a manure pit.
Very fast but quietly. But moreso I think the republicans would have played up his ‘socialism’ and tried to sell him (probably successfully) as the red menace to the middle ground. ‘You hate Obama Care! We’ll this guy is even worse!’ type of stuff. The antisemitism would just be the icing on the cake.
The thing that has me worried is that the Republican members of congress/senate will feel they have to go along with most of what he wants .. out of fear of him telling his new whipped up alt-right base they are obstructing him and need to be primaried. Like a crazy tea party 2.0
As an independent who voted for Bush, then Obama, and regularly goes back and forth in the state elections, fuck the Democratic party that made me choose between HRC and the Baboon. They gave us the one — the one! — candidate everyone hates (and apparently hates a little bit more than Trump!).
I think Warren elicits as visceral a response as HRC does in some circles. She’s not well loved in the boonies at all. Hard to see minorities getting behind her either, other than ‘Obama told us to’ which worked out soooo well this year.
When Joe said he wouldn’t run, I started cursing b/c I knew the Dems were fucked with Clinton.
Ohhhh Bloomberg is interesting....
Eh, China seems to go back and forth. People routinely tell me they are ‘killing us’ on trade. So maybe they don’t invade and burn your house down, but they’re ‘stealin’ our jobs.
“he lives in the middle of fucking nowhere so whose radar he’s on I have no idea” ... just you wait till the blacks, mexicans, ISIS, feminists, gays, trannies, chinese, iranians, syrian sleeper cells, cubans, communists, libtards, cucks, jews (almost forgot the jews), international banks, canadians, the french, the…
That ‘sheriff’ looks like he’s wearing a general’s uniform. What’s up with those shoulder board stars?
I dunno if tea partiers count as alt-right ... but I think a venn diagram of their demographics and Brietbart’s readership would be pretty close to a circle.