
Maybe they look at it like this.... Many in the older generations have what they have because of grit and hard work. No excuses, no handouts. People who have struggled to be successful in any given field/profession absolutely hate seeing newcomers skate by because things have gotten soft (no pun intended). So in

I’d say those people are not very tactful.

So you got fat on purpose? That is twisted. You might want to re-think your plan if you don’t want heart disease/diabetes and all the other goodies that come with being overweight.

People who have suffered actual strokes might be offended by your casual use of the term when you encounter something you don’t like. People who have had actual cryfests will not be happy either.

Do you think those things are not related to health problems? You don’t need to go to med school to know that they are. Any health education will suffice.

SO BRAVE!!! Hey, remember when he/she killed that poor lady minding her own business?

Why are women aloud to compete in all male sports? Why do you encourage it? I’m with you 100%. An all women event should be for women and an all male event should be for men. Fair enough?

The phrase “Be careful what you wish for” has never been so true. The best invention won simply because it was the best, and you people still whine and complain. I certainly don’t hear you griping about women being able to play in all male sports. It’s a two way street.