
Depending on how the game works, sometimes you can work around those multiple play throughs by re-loading a cloud save. For instance, normally to Platinum Bloodborne, you have to play through the game three times to get the three different endings, but you can just get one of the endings, download your backed up save

Dead Cells is currently on sale for $16.24 on PSN.

Dead Cells is currently on sale for $16.24 on PSN.

Not like the items sitting on store shelves are going to be any safer. In fact, odds are worse, because at least the item delivered by UPS is in its own protective box, whereas all the stuff you grab off the store shelf has been handled and coughed on by who knows how many people before you.

Yeah I don't see anything wrong with them at all. Not understanding the issue.

They basically already do have a Miiverse with PlayStation Communities.

But they never said they did good things. They actually said they had many terrible opinions.

I download every scam app I can to build up my phone's natural immunity to malware.

I really don't get Blizzard's hand wringing over not wanting to change things too much. If you can toggle classic mode just have that play the untouched cutscenes and everything else they were worried about preserving. Then just go all out on the remaster portion.

Tell them you are from West Korea.

They should just do what they did when naming Windows 10; skip straight to the number they want to use. If we jumped from Windows 8 to 10 they could just have Xbox 6 sitting next to PS5.

Plus, they now have an awkward Wii and Wii U naming situation going on. I wonder how many kids are going to get an Xbox One X instead of Series X that holiday season.

I replaced lettuce with spinach and can confirm it's the superior leafy green. Won't go back to lettuce.

It's a viral marketing stunt for God of War on PS5.

Awesome! Thank you for the response. Well now I have to get it.

How is the emulation? I've held off so far because I've read people complain about input latency and glitches but don't know how much stock to put into that.

Ranked and unranked really is the best solution. I haven't played COD since 4 so I'm kind of surprised this isn't a thing yet.

Not sure exclamation marks will improve your tone. Usually if I send or receive a message with exclamation marks it’s being said in frustration or exasperation. Basically a variation of caps lock shouting. I suppose it depends on the personality of the people you’re interacting with.

Yeah the Force can clearly manipulate kinetic energy in just about every way. No reason it couldn’t be used to give you an extra push in mid air.

As someone who suffers from obsessive compulsive disorder, reliving and rehashing embarrassing moments in my head can be brutal sometimes. The only thing I can try to do is completely focus on something else and try to wipe it from my mind.

I don't think any of them would suspend the game on total shutdown. It would require saving an image of the game state to the hard drive like a temp save, whereas sleep mode simply provides enough power to hold data in RAM.