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    I do think the show's done itself a disservice with all the dramatic jumps forward in time. We already went ahead what, three YEARS, at the start of this season, and I feel like we're now at least a year beyond THAT now, too.

    I actually don't think Ruth Wilson brings as much depth to Allison as the character demands. She's always a vague character, impossible to predict or understand — and yes, Allison's meant to be elusive, but I don't viewers can ever truly EMPATHIZE with her or follow her rationale.

    Disagree on one point: I think this show has been an amazing showcase for Maura Tierney's talents.

    The focus on Juliette was indeed confusing for this finale. You could argue that a Whitney POV would have been more justified. And to have only a minimal trace of Allison in the final two eps….weird choice.

    I'm very curious about how long ago the show creators knew they were going to make a foundational back story out of Noah's mother's death. I think we can assume this plot element wasn't even on their radar until Season 2, but I wonder when they realized they could use it to tie a lot of threads together. It certainly

    PS If I could propose an ideal resolution, it would be that Allison is the one who dies — in some sort of act that equates to saving Joanie's life. As the ultimate cosmic sacrifice she must make to correct the karma of her first child's death.

    There's a few major things that need to happen for this show to end satisfactorily, and they're not likely to wrap up in Season 3:
    1. Let's face it, one of the four main characters is going to die.
    2. For those who survive in the two original couples (Cole/Allison, Noah/Helen) we need to see who ultimately "ends up

    Would Noah's presence in Alison's life really have any bearing on her custody status? (Legal people…?)

    To me, Professor SexyFrench was representing the role of the "old fuddy duddy" who's out of touch with her students — and doesn't care. She's not hip to the ways of American millennials, she doesn't get their hyper-PC rhetoric, and why bother, because she's going back to France soon.

    Tessa also asked about what Nina had done to Noah

    Didn't she leave Noah on his own to deal with their mother and her failing health? If I'm remembering correctly, their dad checked out on that as well, so it became Noah's burden… right?

    I think the whole conversation was satire poking fun of intellectuals of all stripes and how seriously they take themselves… though yes it was very cringey to watch. And it BUGGED me that Audrey wants to F Noah. Of course she does!!

    So, is this stabbing supposed to be the New Big Mystery for the show? Are we completely over and done with the Big Mystery that dominated seasons 1 and 2 — Scotty Lockhart's murder — so now we're on to the next unexplained drama in Noah's life?


    I'm amazed at how far this show has detached from its origins. It started out exploring the disruptive consequences of a life-changing affair, with an unexplained death looming in the background. Now that we have an explanation for that death, and the once central relationship of Noah and Alison has become a side

    I still don't buy it. Helen has bad blood with the Lockharts. Cole once pointed a gun at her, Scotty knocked up her daughter. And the reception takes place in the very place where her husband's affair first took root. Not to mention her lifelong issues with her mother. I can't see that she would oversee all of these

    Re: the fallout between Margaret and Helen, I wonder if in that past episode the writers a) hadn't yet sorted out the details of the finale, and didn't realize they had to rely on Margaret as the vehicle Helen to the wedding, or b) deliberately threw that in there to throw viewers off a little. I guess option C is

    A lot of plot holes. Are they forgivable? The Uber/taxi point of course. But so many of these people didn't even belong at the wedding. Oscar, Margaret, HELEN (why would she want to be there???), and arguably even Noah. I don't think it's customary that you attend the wedding of the ex of the woman you stole. I get