Mine likes to climb under the futon, or hang out on the back of the couch & chair. Totally different view points.
Mine likes to climb under the futon, or hang out on the back of the couch & chair. Totally different view points.
“I am where Mentality has always come from. I am Mentality. I am an athlete. I am a scholar. I am a musician. I am an artist and a maker. I am also a fighter.”
You should see some of the awful endangerment rings people get off the internet thinking they’re somehow getting a great deal. Especially when they show you the picture they saw on the internet that hardly looks like the ring at all.
By suggesting that Down Syndrome is a construct and not a very well-characterized disorder resulting from a well-defined genetic malformation you disregard over a century and a half of work. You disregard the suffering of countless families in the days before pediatric open heart surgery and surgical interventions for…
the weirdest thing about this story is that they had dark fruitcake as their wedding cake.
We went opening night, and there was an older gentleman a few rows and to the side of us. He was GIDDY before the movie started, clapped when the title appeared, and was weeping when it ended. I love seeing people’s dreams come true.
Oh wow, you scared me for a minute there (was really worried I’d given away too much when I originally wrote my post, and I saw your reply and started to freak!) - but nope, not Amy. WHEW.
My then 15 year old had his new girlfriend over to the house. I’d only met her a couple of times. I was cooking in the kitchen and they were at the table playing a boardgame. He would things like “want me to make some Crystal Lite?” and she’d be like “whatever you want.” He’d ask what flavour, “whatever you want. I…
Do it! Have that big ol’ party! You deserve it.
Even if this is true, and I sort of think it is—at least the part about buying things, my wedding was still the best day of my life. I cannot explain how meaningful it was to have so many people who loved and cared about my husband and I in the same room dancing to Madonna. I had so much fun, and it was completely…
You’ve never had a wedding and are not begging for gifts? I’d say have fun, plus the kiddo gets to participate which they enjoy as well.
“I didn’t want him to laugh at me. I didn’t want to offend him.”
Recent grad who was in a sorority at a big SEC school here. Not blonde, not skinny, not rich. Graduated with a women’s studies minor.
I’m just saying, it’s very déclassé. The cool kids are wearing otters. Not even pelts, just live otters. It’s very now.
I will NOT be orphan-kitty-pelt-suit shamed by you or ANYONE