
Noo! You got her a shower gift that is more than enough! You do not have to get someone more than one present for the wedding! Your friend was super wrong to demand anything, much less in such a rude way.


I actually don’t mind those, it takes a lot of effort and guesswork out of the gift-giving. Ah, you’re getting married? What can I afford? One fork? Excellent, happy wedding, here is your dinglehopper.

The sounds of the cries of the comrades of the fallen is echoing through my shoe closet.

My dad (a cardiothoracic and vascular surgeon) listens to music in the OR so often that the nurses upgraded his Pandora account because they couldn’t handle the ads anymore. (My dad is also cheap.)

I promise you that electric blue is mostly MAC’s Deep Truth. I’m sure there are other things thrown in there but I recognize Deep Truth the way a mother fur seal recognizes the call of her lost pup from an entire island away. I’d be willing to be there’s some Plumage worked around the outer corner, but Deep Truth.

Women do this shit too. My friend had a baby recently. I told her it’s hard and frankly boring work. People say you will be rushed off your feet but really, you have a vast amount of time to sit around once you’ve done any chores. She was complaining to me that the baby didn’t do anything and how bored she is. I

Why the haterade for the Blarney Stone? The Blarney Stone itself is inside the lovely Blarney Castle. It’s a great stop.

More generally, people who wax poetic about the “wander the streets” school of tourism are the vacation equivalent of people who go on and on about how they don’t own a TV. I wouldn’t want to ONLY

I love how every time we get another fantastic Too Much post, that freaks out another person!


I tried out the rainbow eye. I had the flu and 101 fever but I couldn’t fight the urge to try it IMMEDIATELY. There were still traces the next day when I went to Urgi-Care. So I’m going to 100% try this too, but perhaps not so spontaneously. It’s gorgeous, you’re gorgeous and sometime soon I hope to be gorgeous too.

I respect human life, and I do not want Alabama to be associated with an organization that does not.

Yeah ... I’m a huge sports fan and a Vandy alum. I went to all the football games when I was there, and I’ve roadtripped to their bowl games since I graduated.

Oh no, bless your heart...my alma mater cares very much about winning football games, they just can’t manage it. They certainly spend plenty of University and booster money trying every year.

I haven’t even read the post yet. I just wanted to say that the MINUTE I see that image I start wiggling in my seat like a toddler about to get a Happy Meal! The same way I do when I know I have a new box coming. You are a treasure Brandi! Millihelen is my happy place. Off to pour a glass of wine and read with delight

I say this with complete seriousness, go fuck yourself. Eloise took time out to share her routine with us (on a website that is FOR that by the way) and you want to be an asshole. Step the fuck off.

And I’m supposed to remove those thread belt loops? CRAZY.

God, pencil skirts with their vent sewn shut make me want to wander around with manicure scissors.

What next?! That I’m supposed to cut my pockets open when a piece of thread is holding them closed?

I’m Bosslady now, I snatched the pebble from his hand and was ready. I still miss him though.