The girl does not know how to spell cinnamon.
Let’s talk about the creep who rummaged through Britney’s trash and the other creep who paid 60 bucks for it.
This seems like the Queen is just being thoughtful. It's tough on pets when an owner dies, she doesn't want any of her buddies to have to go through that. Thumbs up from me.
chill out, anya
What is Monty Roberts running his mouth for? The queen said this, the queen said that. This sounds like a fairly intimate conversation. I’d be done with old Monty after this, if it were me.
Thanks! It’s been a rough few months, but I’m making it. My new girlfriend is wonderful and I am very lucky to have her.
Me too! I get crazy excited for Millihelen posts in general, but the beauty box reviews make my day! I got my third Popsugar yesterday and eh... I don’t know. The first one didn’t do much for me, the second was awesome and this one is okay I guess? I LOVE my Glossybox and Amor Naturales but I think I might try one of…
The Kenyan sun beat down as B. Hussein Obama knelt. “Inshallah, I shall make you my wife and we will infiltrate America together,” he said.
And by girls we do mean young women. The cutoff age to get the vaccine was 25 or 26, I remember just barely making the cutoff.
My boyfriend and I, on our first date, got drunk on wine at the park, drove back to my seedy neighborhood, he parked his car then we went to hang out at my place and do sexy things.
Just wanted to say that I LOVE this feature! My coworkers and I now have seven boxes between us after we started following this. I hope you do a 24 hour product diary soon! Also, not to get too personal but I saw this month that you started referring to an ex and a girlfriend but just wanted to say hugs and hope…
It would be nice if this movement had even a tiny pinch of skepticism in their approach to, well, anything. If something comes out that seems to confirm my worst suspicions about people I hold in contempt, I generally try to confirm it with a few real news sources before I really believe it.