kristin stewarts hair: y/n?
kristin stewarts hair: y/n?
Kristen Stewart looks fucking awesome. My new found love for her has now fully blossomed. call me.
Good news is, you don’t have to get slipcovers for folding chairs. And if people aren’t paying for stuff, they shouldn’t be telling you what to do.
I have the paragard and I love it. I didn’t want to use hormones, which is why I went paragard. I was dreading the insertion but it was NOTHING. and I have never been pregnant. obviously your mileage may vary. my periods were heavier/longer for a while but they normalized after several months. they were heavy pre-IUD…
omg can the NSA track you through your IUD?! brb making a tinfoil hat.
They haven’t kept up with ANY of the multitude of studies that show that IUD’s are perfectly safe for nulliparous women. Clearly they’re running on outdated and bad science.
while i feel like we all knew about this program and its success like a year ago, i am glad that it got this coverage in the NYT with pretty much indisputable facts & numbers
Thanks. This woman announced she was pregnant by posting a photo of a grey onesie. Everything she does is so basic I may injure my eyes from so much rolling.
Or self-respecting thin people. For that kind of money, you can buy fabulous stuff, not this Gap-level bullshit.
It really means “I am a basic bitch who watched Sex & The City and learned that cupcakes are the utmost in girly guilty pleasure food, and that cashmere was the utmost in quality clothing”.
And the fact that a homeless person begging for money is enough to brandish a gun.... I’d be terrified at what might happen if this woman encounters a rude subway passenger, or someone with a mental illness/developmental disorder.
The 26-year-old didn’t lose her cool, but when the man refused to leave after she politely told him she didn’t have anything to give, Haggard sensed the situation was escalating.
my dad, a jewish kid from the bronx who grew up lords of dogtown-style in venice, CA, fell in love with women’s soccer in the early 1970s, before it (or any soccer, really) was fashionable. he started coaching girls’ soccer — my sister and me — learning the game from sports radio out of tijuana (his crackly AM radio…
If you own both “natural” brands and the “kills all the bullshit bacteria” brands, then you basically get to print money.
Thank you for the link. Ms. Smart is very right on, especially in this example, explaining how the concept of “sexual purity” factored into her decision not to run-
It’s annoying when people who have valid criticisms and complaints instead resort to racism or misogyny (or etc) rather than actually arguing their position. It’s like, you had a point, but now I can’t take you seriously because you appear to be a horrible person. :/
I’m on month three of glossybox and I feel the same way with the boxes - So far I have one for makeup, one for haircare and one for skincare but I don’t know what I’m going to do with next months and they’re too nice to throw away!
I love seeing pictures of them because they are the only political couple where you can see real affection. How they look at each other, body language, etc.. Makes me happy