As a proud member of Menstrual Cup Club, I am obligated to follow the first rule of Menstrual Cup Club, which is you always talk about Menstrual Cup Club.
As a proud member of Menstrual Cup Club, I am obligated to follow the first rule of Menstrual Cup Club, which is you always talk about Menstrual Cup Club.
Getting rid of stuff feels therapeutic to me and always has. Creating empty spaces in my life leaves room for good things to enter, and taking a trash bag full of junk to the curb feels like I’m throwing out negativity. Hate all you want, but I love this shit.
It’s kinda more like, there’s no more locked doors because that is illegal, but there are still really heavy doors, or doors that jam and only open a crack, or doors with special handles that only penises can open, or doors that will grab your ass when you walk through.
Thank you!!! I highly recommend having totoro searches in all of your major live events
Out of the greys with you! Gorgeous photo.
Oh man, this is the best crying photo from my wedding. I am really close to my dad who is a huge teddy bear of a man. He used to sing and play guitar for me all the time when I was growing up and one of my favourite songs was Return to Pooh Corner.
As suggested by VonQueso, I would love a post of users’ favorite wedding pictures. I unashamedly love looking at other people’s wedding pictures, and I think it’d be fun to post one picture that reflects our weddings!
“I could hear my family crying during my wedding and I, dry-eyed, was like, “Yes, yesssss, WEEP for me. Muahaha.”
The attitude that children should “never fly” because it bothers other passengers who paid good money is seriously fucking stupid.
Most of the sewing pattern companies (McCall’s, Simplicity, Vogue, Butterick) are reissuing classic patterns from the 30s through the 70s. Dresses like this are fairly simple and easy to make, because housewives of the 50s had to economize a lot to stay home fulltime. Most of them are collarless (collars are a right…
THIS. What is the obsession of getting married to someone that doesn’t want to get married to you? I can’t imagine anything more embarrassing than begging someone to propose. If you’re that desperate to get hitched, switch the gender expectation!
An ultimatum proposal is the most unromantic thing I can imagine,…
Yep, I’m around 115 lbs and rarely take painkillers so I always start at one and go from there very hesitantly.
The sounds of the fawn drinking from the bottle is somehow the cutest sound in the world. I love the sound of my dog crunching her food, too. Weird.
I was that friend in college that would swat Tylenol out of your hand if you were taking it for a hangover or pre-hangover. Like a one-woman public service announcement.
Aleve’s active ingredient (naproxen, formerly only by prescription) is an NSAID like in Advil (ibuprofen) — but it IS much more potent, and also has an increased risk of stomach issues like ulcers and stuff.
This is dating myself but... when I was 10 years old my mother moved us from Philly to Westwood Ca. (a whole ‘nother story but it was actually a case of custodial interference.) Our neighbor in in the Melrose place looking complex was Barbara Barry. She played Gavin Mcleod’s wife on “The Mary Tyler Moore Show”. She…
It’s not a major coincidence that the people most likely to criticize Emma and Anon above are often huge fans of Ayn Rand and cannot begin to imagine why a person might sacrifice their own comfort in service of unnamed others.
One of the things I value so much, reading this story, is how clearly it shows the way that reporting someone isn’t always and shouldn’t be assumed to be a horrible excision of deep personal trauma—that the author reported him with the primary goal of keeping other women safe.