
that awkward moment when you’ve been a prostitute since you were three and no one bothered to tell you

One of my daughter’s best friends is transgender. She “came out” last year when she was 10. It was an incredibly difficult journey, but with the support of her parents it has turned out fine so far. There was a mild shit storm from some conservative parents, one family even left the school. But now, she is happy,

Kinda weird to see PEG being cast in a negative light, because it’s one of the most widely studied polymers out there and could be considered the standard of a biocompatible polymer in the biotech industry.

I know, I remember being so sad bc it was so beautiful and could have been the wedding Sansa really deserved, if only she were marrying the dashing young saint she deserves to have.

But what you are doing is what people SHOULD be doing and encouraging of shops and manufacturers.

Sorry, low-paid Global Studies professor here, so this one hits close to home. It’s not difficult to shop ethically on a budget—but it does take more effort. It means cruising high-end consignment stores, it means checking labels, and shopping fair trade shops (like globalgirlfriend.com)—many of which are way cheaper

You have the budget. It’s just difficult to (A.) take the time and effort to find things made “ethically” that suit your style as well as wallet and (B.) to accept that you need far LESS than you think if the clothing IS well-made.

Buying at consignment stores that have nicer items, like Buffalo Exchange, might be a good option. at least isn't *directly* supporting the clothing companies that sell sweatshop made items, even if they sell it second hand. Also I buy a lot of American Apparel on ebay, so much cheaper there!

Thank you for so perfectly describing my home! I hate so many things about Tennessee, but there is a lot of good here, and you witnessed it. Good for you for resetting yourself and finding out what you are capable of along the way. If you ever come out this way again, I’ll buy you a beer!

Despite this ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ whiff of damned if you do damned if you don’t, please please Wear Sunscreen. I am a melanoma surgeon. You do not want melanoma. Protecting your skin against the sun, all the time, is for most people the ONLY modifiable risk factor. There are plenty of sunscreen choices that DO live up to their

There’s quite a bit of elision and misinformation presented here. I truly don’t have the energy to dig into all of it, but let’s take on the scare-quoted oxybenzone and Vitamin A, for example. Retinyl palmitate, the natural form of Vitamin A that is used in sunscreens, has been proven safe by multiple rigorous,

Artists still use pencils. Some artists are very particular about which ones they use. The softer Blackwing pencils are always a favorite for drawing and animating.

I just moved back to the US from southern China, and it’s so weird to see people in the sweltering sun without an umbrella. It’s carrying your own shade! Get with it, Americans!

right? I’d buy all the pencils and lock them up in this super secret safe:

Parasols have always been a thing. You just have to hang out with the right scene: Goths, old Asian ladies, and/or vintage enthusiasts.

Can we please just make parasols A Thing again? I have a gorgeous cream lace one with a UV blocking layer underneath. I want an excuse to buy more.

I’m happy everyone is “over it” that way I won’t get any more spoilers. Dark Sansa will rise again the north remembers.

Instead of tossing the bouquet, I handed it to my good friend who was getting married a few months after me, and had everyone toast her and her fiancé. She took the ribbon and little jewel pins from my bouquet and had them incorporated into her bouquet, then did the same thing I did, handed her bouquet off to her